Sandy Drainage Improvement Company You are hereby notified that the Board of Directors for the Sandy Drainage Improvement Company will meet on Thursday, April 30, 2020 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm, at the Multnomah County Drainage District Office, 1880 NE Elrod Dr., Portland, OR 97211. Agenda items include: CIP Quarterly Update, IGA Loan Prepayment, On-Call RFQ with Engineering Services, and Year to Date Financials. This meeting is open to the public. Interested members of the public should dial into the meeting by calling: 1-301-715-8592 and entering the meeting ID: 942-4610-0438 and meeting password: 483634. Questions should be directed to the Policy & Administration Manager, Emily Stumpf, at (503)964-1216. Published 04/28/20 GO162915
ad: 162915
Publication: Gresham Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/04/28
End Date: 2020/04/28
Owner: Sandy Drainage
County: Multnomah