PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF OREGON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 62 BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THE 2020-21 ANNUAL BUDGET Pursuant to ORS 294-426 The Oregon City School District No. 62, Clackamas County, State of Oregon, Budget Committee will hold public meetings to discuss the budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 on the following dates: May 18, 2020 Budget Committee Public Meeting Superintendent’s Proposed 2020-21 Budget Message will be presented and the Proposed Budget will be available on our website on May 17th. Public testimony will be received at this meeting. June 1, 2020 Budget Committee Public Meeting Public testimony received with questions. Possible budget revision. Potential budget approval. Additional meetings scheduled as necessary if required for public comment and approval. June 8, 2020 Budget Committee Public Meeting Meeting only necessary if budget has not been approved. No public testimony received. June 15, 2020 School Board Public Hearing Public testimony will be received. Possible budget adoption. If the budget is not adopted on this date, additional meetings may be necessary. All meetings are open to the public and begin at 6:00 pm. Patrons may participate online via a Zoom meeting. A link will be provided on our website prior to the meeting. Time will be made available on the Zoom meeting to patrons who plan to testify. Patrons may email (email to be provided) the District (prior to 5:30 pm the day of the meeting) if they plan to testify in person at the Zoom meeting. Written comments must be received a day before the scheduled meeting at the same email or via regular mail. All public comments are limited to three minutes. Meetings may also be viewed on the public access channel – Willamette Falls Media Center: The 2020-21 proposed budget will be available on the District’s web site on May 17th. Publish May 6, 2020 CLK163553
ad: 163553
Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/05/06
End Date: 2020/05/07
Owner: Oregon City School District
County: Clackamas