WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FILE NO. MISC-20-03 The West Linn City Council will hold a virtual public hearing on Monday, June 15, 2020, at 2:00 pm to consider a request by Tim Walker to vacate 2,400 square feet of right-of-way along Willamette Drive adjacent to tax lots 2001, 0200, and 0100 of Assessor’s Map 22E30CB. The application was filed on February 6, 2020. Due to state restrictions on public gatherings because of the pandemic, City Hall is temporarily closed to the public. The Council will consider this application in a virtual meeting via WebEx. The public can watch the meeting on the City’s website or Cable Channel 30. Anyone wishing to submit written testimony on this proposed action may do so before the meeting day by emailing or mailing comments to Chris Myers. Anyone wishing to present written comments at the public hearing must submit the comments by clicking on the eComment link on the meeting page. To speak during the meeting, complete the form located at https://westlinnoregon.gov/citycouncil/meeting-request-speak-signup.After clicking on the eComment link, click on the Register to Speak link. A WebEx invitation to join the virtual meeting will be sent to you before the meeting starts. All comments and requests to speak must be received before 12:00 pm on the meeting day. The hearing is a two-step process. The first step is validating the petition by determining whether the requisite consent signatures were obtained. The second step is determining whether the proper notice was posted and published, whether requisite consent was obtained and whether the public interest is prejudiced by approving the vacation of the right of way. The City Council hearing shall be conducted per CDC Chapter 99 and the decision shall be based upon the approval criteria found in Oregon Revised Statute 271. At the hearing, all written or oral comments must relate specifically to the applicable approval criteria. The complete application is available for inspection at no cost at City Hall or via the web site at http://westlinnoregon.gov/planning, or copies can be obtained for a minimal charge per page. At least ten days prior to the hearing, a copy of the staff report will be available for inspection at no cost, or copies can be obtained for a minimal charge per page. For further information, please contact Chris Myers, Associate Planner, at City Hall, 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, OR 97068, cmyers@westlinnoregon.gov, or 503-742-6062. The City Council may continue the public hearing to another meeting to obtain additional information, leave the record open for additional evidence, arguments, or testimony, or close the public hearing and take action on the application as provided by state law. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter at some point before the close of the hearing, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes an appeal based on that issue. Publish May 28, June 4, 2020 WLT165731

ad: 165731

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/05/27

End Date: 2020/06/04

Owner: City of West Linn


County: Clackamas