A virtual public hearing will be held by the City of Banks City Council at or shortly after 6:30 PM on August 11, 2020

CITY OF BANKS PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a virtual public hearing will be held by the City of Banks City Council at or shortly after 6:30 PM on August 11, 2020 Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87380092908?pwd=TEZ1ZmZFUGtqU2YwbThPVXkzUzhWZz09 or dial 1-253-215-8782 (Meeting ID is 873 8009 2908, and Meeting Passcode is 949577) to consider the following: Proposal: Adoption of a ballot title and legal description to annex portions of multiple properties adjacent to the west side of NW Main Street that are surrounded by city limits. No land would be annexed into the City of Banks at the hearing as annexations initiated by the City require voter approval. If the ballot title and legal description are approved by the City Council, the measure would appear on the November ballot. Criteria: Banks City Municipal Code Chapter 30.01 Annexation Policies and Procedures and Chapter 30.05 Annexation by Election; Banks Comprehensive Plan Goal 14 Urbanization Policy 3. Providing Public Testimony The public hearing on this matter will be conducted pursuant to the rules of procedure adopted by the City Council. To provide public testimony during the hearing, you may testify by telephone or by Zoom. Please email alanter@cityofbanks.org or jbecker@cityofbanks.org at least 24 hours prior to the meeting with the following information: * First and Last Name * Email Address * Phone Number * Full Address * How you would like to provide testimony? (Specify an option below) * By phone, if by phone ?what number will you call from? * Online via Zoom * Meeting Date and the Item you are interested in. * At which point in the meeting would you like to speak? (Specify an option below) * Testimony in favor of the application. * Testimony neutral to the application. * Testimony in opposition of the application. * Are you providing testimony as an Individual or Group? If you are a group, please provide your group’s name and the number of people with comments. After submission of your email, you will receive a confirmation receipt. Or, you may call city staff at 503?324-5112, to register to provide testimony via telephone or Zoom. Please call at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Oral or written testimony may also be provided prior to the hearing by calling 503-324-5112, contacting the City Recorder at alanter@cityofbanks.org, or mailing to 13680 NW Main Street, Banks, OR 97106. What to Expect During the Hearing: * You will hear the City Council and Staff and see them on your screen, but they will not see you. * Your microphone will remain muted until the designated times for public comment and/or testimony. * When it is your time to provide testimony, your name will be called, and your microphone will be unmuted by the meeting facilitator. * State your name when you begin speaking. * For optimal audio, please speak slowly and clearly into your microphone/phone. * Once you have provided your comment, your microphone will be muted. * If you encounter technical difficulties during the meeting, please refer to Zoom Support here https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us. To join online or by phone via Zoom: Topic: City of Banks City Council Meeting – Tuesday, August 11, 2020 If joining via the Zoom Application: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87380092908?pwd=TEZ1ZmZFUGtqU2YwbThPVXkzUzhWZz09 Meeting ID 873 8009 2908 Passcode: 949577 If joining via phone: 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID 8763 8009 2908 Passcode 949577 If joining via phone, the following commands can be entered: *6 ? Toggle mute/unmute *9 ? Raise hand If you encounter technical difficulties during the meeting, please contact alanter@cityofbanks.org. For questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact Jolynn Becker, City Manager, (503) 324-5112. CITY OF BANKS, OREGON By: Jolynn Becker Banks City Manager Publish July 29, 2020 NT172426

ad: 172426

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/07/29

End Date: 2020/07/29

Owner: City of Banks


County: Washington