NOTICE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION NORTH UNIT IRRIGATION DISTRICT The district is accepting nominations for positions on its board of directors for Division One (1), in the north Agency Plains area, now being held by Phil Fine and one director for Division Two (2), in the area starting on the Agency Plains at Fir Lane to Eureka Lane, south of Metolius, and west of South Adams Drive, now being held by Michael Kirsch. A map of the divisions can be viewed at the district office or on the website at The terms begin January 1, 2021 and are for three years. To be eligible as a director a candidate must: 1. Be 18 years of age or older. 2. Be the owner of water right land situated within the boundaries of the District from their respective division. 3. Be a resident of the State of Oregon. 4. Must submit a petition, signed by 10 landowners with North Unit Irrigation District water rights, to the district office before 5:00 pm on the 8th of October 2020. Petitions can be obtained from the district office or website. If only one petition is received per division, that petitioner will be certified as having been nominated and elected for that division. The receipt of two or more petitions for a division will require an official election to be held November 10, 2020. Michael E Britton Secretary-Manager Publish: September 23, 30, 2020 MP178208
ad: 178208
Publication: Madras Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/09/23
End Date: 2020/09/30
Owner: North Unit Irrigation District
County: Jefferson