CITY OF SCAPPOOSE NOTICE OF LIMITED LAND USE DECISION Docket # MoA1-20 Airpark Development LLC has requested to amend the conditions of approval related to the water infrastructure phasing required for all four phases of the Columbia Airpark East Subdivision. The site is located south and east of the Scappoose Industrial Airport on land described as Columbia County Assessor Map Numbers 3106-00-00200, 3106-00-00504, and 3107-00-00103. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers* of the Scappoose City Hall located at 33568 East Columbia Avenue. *Please note that due to COVID-19 restrictions, this meeting may be held via telephone conference rather than in person. More details will be available (including a call in number, if applicable) one week prior to the hearing date on the City website at Modification of Approval to existing development is a Limited Land Use Decision and does not require a public hearing (verbal testimony will not be permitted; however, written testimony will be accepted prior to the deadline described below). The Planning Commission’s decision on the above application must be based on findings that a specific set of criteria have been or have not been met. Comments submitted in regard to the application should be directed toward applicable sections of Title 17 (Land Use and Development) of the Scappoose Municipal Code, with particular emphasis on Chapters 17.69 (PUA – Public Use Airport); 17.74 (AE – Airport Employment Overlay Zones); 17.150 (Land Division – Subdivision); 17.154 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards); and 17.164 (Procedures for Decision Making-Limited Land Use). The decision-making criteria, application, and records concerning this matter are available in the Scappoose Community Development Center office at 52610 NE 1st Street, Scappoose, Oregon during working hours or by calling (503)543-7184. Interested parties may submit written comments to the City of Scappoose, City Planner, 33568 E. Columbia Avenue, Scappoose, Oregon, 97056 or email comments to by 5:00 pm Wednesday, October 7, 2020. Failure to raise an issue in writing prior to the close of the public comment period, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes appeal on that issue. The City of Scappoose does not discriminate on the basis of handicap status in its programs and activities. If special accommodations are necessary please contact the City Recorder at City Hall, (503) 543-7146. This notice is also posted on the City’s website at CITY OF SCAPPOOSE SUSAN REEVES, CITY RECORDER TTY 1-503-378-5938 Publish September 25, 2020 CCS178282
ad: 178282
Publication: OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/09/23
End Date: 2020/09/25
Owner: City of Scappoose
County: Columbia