EUGENE WATER & ELECTRIC BOARD (EWEB) W. 36TH AVE: CREST DR. TO MONROE S. WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Bids due: October 20, 2020 @ 2:00 pm INVITATION TO BID ITB 20-204-PW The Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) requests bids for water main replacement on 36th Ave Crest Dr to Monroe S. in Eugene OR. Bidders shall comply with all BOLI and CCB requirements, as outlined in and The bid package may be inspected online on the State of Oregon’s bid site (ORPIN): Bid Submission Deadline: Sealed bids shall be submitted to Gina Dally, Contract Specialist, before 2:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, on Tuesday October 20, 2020 and delivered according to the bid submission instructions. Bids and sub-contractor’s list submitted after respective deadlines will NOT be considered. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter and recorded. First-tier subcontractor list (Section 00430) shall be submitted, preferably in a separate envelope by 4:00 PM PST, on October 20, 2020. Single point of contact: Submit all technical, bidding, website access, and contract questions to Gina Dally, Contract Specialist, in writing via email at DO NOT contact the project team without prior approval by the Contract Specialist. BY: Gina Dally, EWEB Contract Specialist ISSUED: 9/29/20 Published October 2, 2020. BT179206
ad: 179206
Publication: Construction 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/10/02
End Date: 2020/10/02
Owner: Eugene Water & Electric Board
County: Multnomah
Bid Date: 10/20/20
Bid Time: 2:00 PM