NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY Due to COVID-19 restrictions the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Sale of Clackamas County Surplus Property that is scheduled for December 9, 2020, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. is hereby postponed. Please visit our website below for additional information in regards to this sale. An amended notice of sale will be published once a new sale date has been made available. Please visit the internet information at under Surplus Real Estate. CRAIG ROBERTS, SHERIFF Clackamas County, Oregon By: James Rhodes, Captain Civil Division Commander Published Nov. 20, 24 & 27, 2020. BT184882
ad: 184882
Publication: Miscellaneous
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2020/11/20
End Date: 2020/11/27
Owner: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office
County: Clackamas