NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOREST GROVE CITY COUNCIL FILE NUMBER 311-20-000167-PLNG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Forest Grove City Council will hold Public Hearings on Monday, December 14, 2020, and Monday, January 11, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. or thereafter, at the Community Auditorium, 1915 Main Street, to review the following proposals: — Ordinance annexing 37.7 +/- acres of land into the City limits of Forest Grove and Clean Water Services District and withdrawing the tract from the Forest Grove Rural Fire Protection District; Washington County Tax Lot 1N4250000600 — Order adopting amendments to the Forest Grove Comprehensive Plan Map to redesignate property subject to annexation from Institutional to Residential A-Medium and from Residential B-Standard to Institutional; Washington County Tax Lot 1N4250000600 — Order adopting amendments to the Forest Grove Zoning Map to designate property subject to annexation from Washington County Future Development to Forest Grove Institutional and Residential R-5; Washington County Tax Lot 1N4250000600; and — Order approving a tentative partition plat for property subject to annexation to create separate parcels for land zoned institutional and Residential R-5; Washington County Tax Lot 1N4250000600. The City Council will consider these proposals and base its decision on the following review criteria. Comments in response to this proposal must address the criteria below: — Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 222.111 & 222.112 (Boundary Changes) — Oregon Statewide Land Use Planning Goals 2 (Land Use), 10 (Housing), Goal 11 (Public Facilities), Goal 12 (Transportation) and Goal 14 (Urbanization) — Forest Grove Comprehensive Plan Community Sustainability, Land Housing, Public Facilities and Urbanization chapters — Metro Code Chapter 3.09 (Local Government Boundary Changes) — Metro Urban Growth Management Functional Plan — Forest Grove Development Code Sections 17.2.770 (Zone Change Criteria), 17.6.045 et. seq. (Land Divisions) All persons will be given reasonable opportunity to give testimony about this proposal responding to the review criteria above. If an issue is not raised in the hearing (by person or by letter) or if the issue is not explained in sufficient detail to allow the City Council to respond to the issue, then that issue cannot be used for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. A copy of the report will be available for inspection at least seven days before the hearing at the Community Development Department or by visiting COVID-19 NOTICE: The City Council meeting will be conducted remotely by video conferencing. The public may observe and participate in the Community Auditorium as space allows. However, the Commission encourages the public to submit written comments or testimony to City Recorder, Anna Ruggles,, or sent to PO Box 326, 1924 Council Street, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116, prior to the hearing. For further information pertaining to this proposal, please contact the Community Development Department, 1924 Council Street, (503) 992-3227, Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5. Anna D. Ruggles, CMC, City Recorder City of Forest Grove Publish Dec. 3, 10, 2020 NT185497

ad: 185497

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2020/12/02

End Date: 2020/12/10

Owner: City of Forest Grove


County: Washington