NOTICE OF HEARING CITY OF TUALATIN, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the City of Tualatin City Council at 7:00 p.m., Monday, February 8, 2021, streamed online and accessible at the Juanita Pohl Center (8513 SW Tualatin Road, Tualatin, OR 97062). You are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Under consideration is File No. PTA 21-0001: The scope of PTA 21-0001 includes: — Adoption of an updated Stormwater Master Plan (2019); — Amendments to the Tualatin Comprehensive Plan Updates specific to stormwater management practices, reflecting updated recommendations, practices, and partnerships; — An updated map of capital projects; — Updated references to the Stormwater Master Plan in the Tualatin Development Code. The scope of the updated plan includes updated technical analyses, a recommended capital improvement program, programmatic approaches such as pipe repair and replacement and vegetation management, and a set of policy recommendations such as approaches to channel erosion and beaver management. The Stormwater Master Plan outlines capital improvement projects that will improve management for existing development and that is critical to managing future development impacts. The scope also includes smaller projects and programs. Altogether, the efforts would serve the aims of maintaining our stormwater system to: — Increase capacity; — Address erosion; — Increase water quality treatment; — Address pollutant sources and/or improve treatment functions; — Make it easier to maintain stormwater systems. The public is invited to comment by e-mail, writing or by testifying at the hearing. Written comments can be made by email to Tabitha Boschetti at or submitted at the hearing. Failure to raise an issue at the hearing or in writing or to provide sufficient specificity to afford the City Council an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). Legislative hearings begin with the Mayor opening the hearing, presentation of the staff report, public testimony, questions of staff or anyone who testified by Council, after which the Mayor closes the public hearing, and Council may then deliberate to a decision and a motion would be made to either approve, deny, or continue the public hearing. The time of individual testimony may be limited. For those who would prefer to make verbal comment at the hearing, there are two options: — Zoom teleconference. Instructions on how to provide comment will be provided during the meeting itself. -Full instructions and a current link will be made available at: — Attend in person at the Juanita Pohl Center. Physical distancing measures will be implemented for those attending in person, and City staff will be available to answer any questions. To view the additional materials visit: A staff report will available seven days prior to the public hearing. This meeting and any materials being considered can be made accessible upon request. If approved, PTA 21-0001 would adopt the updated Stormwater Master Plan and update the Introduction and Chapter 9 of the Comprehensive Plan Document. A limited range of document references would also be updated within the Tualatin Development Code. To grant the amendment, Council must find the proposal meets the applicable criteria of the Oregon Statewide Planning Goals, Oregon Administrative Rules, Metro Code, and the Tualatin Comprehensive Plan and Development Code, including Tualatin Development Code Section 33.070. CITY OF TUALATIN, OREGON Publish January 28, February 4, 2021 TT190168

ad: 190168

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/01/27

End Date: 2021/02/04

Owner: City of Tualatin


County: Washington