PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications are being reviewed by the Yamhill County Department of Planning and Development: DOCKET C-06-21/SDR-06-21, a request by Fox Lane Vineyards for conditional use and site design review for a commercial activity in conjunction with farm use for the operation of a wine tasting room and DOCKET C-07-21, for conditional use to operate a two room bed and breakfast. The parcel is identified as Tax Lot 3327-401 and is located at 9650 NE Fox Ln, Dundee. DOCKET C-06-21/SDR-06-21 is being reviewed based on criteria in Sections 402.04(G), 402.07(A), 1101.02 and 1202.02 of the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance. DOCKET C-07-21 is being reviewed based on criteria in Sections 402.04(I), 402.07(A), 1004.04, 1012 and 1202.02 of the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance. Interested persons may respond in writing by 5 p.m., March 25, 2021, to comment on, or to request the above applications be considered at a public hearing. A request for a hearing must state the basis for the appeal and must be accompanied by a $250 for each request. Dated March 10, 2021, by Ken Friday, Planning Director. Publish March 10, 2021 NG195338

ad: 195338

Publication: Newberg Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/03/10

End Date: 2021/03/17

Owner: Yamhill County Building & Planning


County: Yamhill