In the Matter of the DOROTHY M. CONNELLY TRUST, u/a/d December 3, 2014. Order to Show Cause Re: Remedial Contempt (Case No. 18PB08943) PATRICIA A. STRAND, in her capacity as Trustee of the DOROTHY M. CONNELLY TRUST, Petitioner, and MARK CONNELLY, former Trustee of the DOROTHY M. CONNELLY TRUST, Respondent. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, Probate Department. To: Mark Connelly 8933 SE Valentine Drive Happy Valley, OR 97086 This matter having come before the Court upon Petitioner’s Motion for an Order to Show Cause Re: Remedial Contempt, and the Court having considered the allegations set forth in the Motion and supporting declaration filed therewith, now, therefore: IT IS ORDERED that you appear in Room ______ of the Clackamas County Courthouse located at 807 Main St. Oregon City, OR 97045 on the 26th day of March, 2021, at 11:30 a.m., to then and there show cause, if any, why an order should not be entered in conformance with the relief sought in Petitioner’s Motion for Order to Show Cause Re: Remedial Contempt, including a daily fine of up to $500 or one percent of Respondent’s annual gross income, whichever is greater, until the contempt is cured, and payment of Petitioner’s attorney fees incurred as the result of Respondent’s contempt of court. NO OTHER NOTICE WILL BE PROVIDED, AND IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE at the time and place specified by this Order, the Court may issue an Order holding you in contempt and impose the remedial sanctions of a daily fine of up to $500 or one percent of Respondent’s annual gross income, whichever is greater, until the contempt is cured, and payment of Petitioner’s attorney fees incurred as the result of Respondent’s contempt of court. Dated and first published March 2, 2021. Published Mar. 2, 9, 16 & 23, 2021. BT194702
ad: 194702
Publication: Miscellaneous
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/03/02
End Date: 2021/03/23
Court Number: 18PB08943
Owner: Draneas Huglin Cooper LLC
County: Clackamas