Notice is hereby given that the Crook County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, in the Crook County Meeting Room, 320 NE Court Street, Prineville, Oregon to consider the following: Subdivision Request Bobby Kennedy- Record number 217-21-000136-PLNG – is requesting approval to subdivide an approximately 500-acre property parcel into twenty 10-acre lots. The subdivision will be developed in three phases. The property is zoned R-10 (Rural residential). Subdividing property is allowed under Crook County Code chapter 18.92 (R-10 Zone) and Title 17 – Subdivisions. The property is identified as Township 15 S, Range 16 E WM, section 8, 9, 16 and 17, tax lot 800. A notice of the public hearing and location maps are being mailed to all affected property owners, and to the appropriate entities and public agencies at least 20 days prior to the Planning Commission hearing. Statements will be heard at the hearing. The hearing is being held pursuant to Crook County Code 18.172. Written testimony may be submitted to the Crook County Community Development Department, 300 NE 3rd Street, Room 12, Prineville, Oregon 97754, prior to 4:00 p.m. on April 7, 2021, or by email ( Testimony may also be provided at the Planning Commission hearing. The application and copies of testimony are available by calling the planning department at 541-447-3211 or emailing Documents are also available on the department’s website. The staff report will be available April 7, 2021. To promote community wellness, pursuant to public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, Crook County will be holding this hearing by WebEx conference call. People may participate by calling the following number: 1-408-418-9388 Meeting number (access code) 182 182 7209 Attendee ID: # Members of the public are encouraged to observe social distancing requirements and to participate by calling in or submitting written testimony in advance. Those who are unable to call in may visit the conference room at 320 NE Court Street, Prineville. Recordings of the meeting and draft meeting minutes will be available by contacting the planning department. Please call 541-447-3211 if you have questions. Published: March 23, 2021 PCO196272
ad: 196272
Publication: Prineville Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/03/23
End Date: 2021/03/23
Owner: Crook County Community Development
County: Crook