SUMMONS (No. 20CV44881) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH, ADVANTIS CREDIT UNION, PLAINTIFF, V. NATALIE ANNE ZANONE, DEFENDANT. ____________________________________________________________________ TO: Natalie Anne Zanone Plaintiff has filed a Complaint seeking to obtain a judgment for monies owed on a breach of contract claim. Plaintiff seeks a judgment as follows: 1. The object of the complaint and the demand for relief is allegations that the Defendant has breached the terms of a contract entered into on July 3, 2019, for the purchase of a 2018 Triumph Street Triple RS. Plaintiff seeks a judgment for the amount owed plus fees and costs, and possession of the 2018 Triumph Street Triple RS. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! YOU MUST APPEAR IN THIS CASE OR THE OTHER SIDE WILL WIN AUTOMATICALLY. TO APPEAR YOU MUST FILE WITH THE COURT A LEGAL PAPER CALLED A MOTION OR ANSWER OR REPLY. THE MOTION OR ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN TO THE COURT CLERK OR ADMINISTRATOR WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION SPECIFIED HEREIN ALONG WITH THE REQUIRED FILING FEE. IT MUST BE IN PROPER FORM AND HAVE PROOF OF SERVICE ON THE PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY OR, IF THE PLAINTIFF DOES NOT HAVE AN ATTORNEY, PROOF OF SERVICE UPON THE PLAINTIFF. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU SHOULD SEE AN ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY. IF YOU NEED HELP IN FINDING AN ATTORNEY, YOU MAY CONTACT THE OREGON STATE BAR’S LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE ONLINE AT OR BY CALLING (503) 684-3763 (IN THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN AREA) OR TOLL-FREE ELSEWHERE IN OREGON AT (800) 452-7636. This summons is published by order of the Honorable Stephen Bushong of the above-entitled Court made and entered on the 16th day of March, 2021, directing publication of this summons once each week for four consecutive weeks in Business Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation in Multnomah County, Oregon. Date of First Publication: March 23, 2021 MONSON LAW OFFICE P.C. By: Miles D. Monson, OSB No. 950981 Attorney for Plaintiff 1865 NW 169th Place, Suite 208 Beaverton, Oregon 97006 Telephone: (503) 828-1820 Facsimile: (503) 828-1893 Published Mar. 23, 30, Apr. 6 & 13, 2021. BT196386
ad: 196386
Publication: Miscellaneous
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/03/23
End Date: 2021/04/13
Court Number: 20CV44881
Owner: Monson Law Office
County: Multnomah