WASHINGTON COUNTY STEP-UP CURRICULUM Proposals due: April 30, 2021 @ 4:00 pm REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 2021.058L Washington County Juvenile Department seeks to contract with a professional agency and/or private individuals to provide the Step-Up curriculum, an intervention targeted toward adolescents who repeatedly act in a threatening, aggressive, destructive or violent manner toward their parent/guardian. In order to respond firm must: A. Have physical space to run the groups and, at different times, to meet with families individually. B. Provide two facilitators to run groups during non-peak work hour times (evenings/weekend) for accessibility of working participant families. Facilitators must also be able to work with individual families for support sessions, group orientation, and safety planning. C. Facilitators must be culturally competent to work with diverse populations D. Provide remote access to youth and families during the COVID pandemic E. Per Washington County Purchasing Rule 10-120(3) – Competitive Process – Personal Service Contracts Notwithstanding any other provision in these rules, for personal services contracts the County may use a Letter of Intent RFP process which requires any prospective proposer(s) to file a letter by the given deadline that notifies the County of its intent to respond to the RFP. If there is only one interested proposer who turns in a letter then the County reserves the right to negotiate a contract with that responder and forego the RFP process. Details of this project are posted on ProcureNow. Documents can be viewed and downloaded from the site. The County’s electronic solicitation portal can also be accessed at www.washcopurch.com. Suzi Fulcher (she/her) Procurement Manager 503-846-8734 Washington County Support Services Published Tuesday, April 13, 2021 BUSINESS TRIBUNE. BT198907
ad: 198907
Publication: Construction 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/04/13
End Date: 2021/04/13
Owner: Washington County
County: Washington
Bid Date: 04/30/21
Bid Time: 4:00 AM