PUBLIC NOTICE Crook County Fire and Rescue Board of Directors will be conducting their April board meeting on April 15th at 9:00am via Zoom. This will be audio only. Please use the link at any time to join the meeting starting at 9am April 15th: aXlGdVM1LzhEaTlvMHJpZ3dGaDdkdz09 Passcode: 015999 You may also call in by dialing 312 626 6799 and enter the webinar ID: Webinar ID: 931 9409 9002 Please note that the public will be muted by default. If you would like to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting, you have the following options: — Online – click the raise your hand option — Phone – press *9 to raise your hand, *6 to send a request to be un-muted to submit comments. Published: April 13, 2021 PCO199025
ad: 199025
Publication: Prineville Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/04/13
End Date: 2021/04/13
Owner: Crook County Fire and Rescue
County: Crook