NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Aurora Planning Commission Hearing Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 7:00pm Location: Aurora City Hall, 21420 Main Street NE Aurora, Oregon 97002 At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Aurora City Council regarding the application. Pending a recommendation from the Planning Commission, the City Council will conduct a public hearing in consideration of the application on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 7:00pm, Aurora City Hall, 21420 Main Street NE. File Number: ZC 2021-01 and CPMA 2021-01 Location: Map 4.1.W.13B Tax Lot 2300, generally located northwest of the intersection of Highway 99E and Ottaway Road NE Applicant: Peter Hostetler, PNR LLC Property Owner(s): Bermandean, LLC Zone: Commercial Request: 1) Zone change from Commercial (C) to Industrial (I); and 2) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Commercial to Industrial. Additional information is available at City Hall, 21420 Main Street NE, Aurora, Oregon. The applicable criteria and standards are: Aurora Comprehensive Plan, Chapter IX Policies; Aurora Municipal Code (AMC) Chapter 16.76 Procedures for Decision Making – Quasi-Judicial. The Planning Commission review will hear testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council for a final decision. The public hearing on this matter will be conducted in accordance with the rules of Chapter 16 of the Aurora Municipal Code and the rules of procedure adopted by the City Council. Oral testimony may be presented at the public hearing. At the public hearing, the planning commission will review a staff report, open the public hearing and invite both oral and written testimony. All documents or evidence in the file are available for inspection at no cost, or copies at a reasonable cost. A copy of the staff report will be available at least seven days prior to the hearing. Issues which may provide the basis for appeal shall be raised in writing not later than the close of the comment period or following the final evidentiary hearing on this case. Such issues shall be raised with and accompanied by statements or evidence sufficient to afford this body, and the parties to this hearing an adequate opportunity to respond to each issue. Address written comments to: Planning Department City of Aurora 21420 Main Street NE Aurora, Oregon 97002 Staff Contact: Renata Wakeley, City Planner, (503) 588-6177 Publish April 14, 2021 CH197848
ad: 197848
Publication: OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/04/14
End Date: 2021/04/14
Owner: City of Aurora
County: Clackamas