PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS BESC FLEET DECK GATES Bids due: May 13, 2021 @ 2:00 pm INVITATION TO BID SOLICITATION #2021-2961 Portland Public Schools, School District No.1J, Multnomah County, Oregon seeks responses from qualified firms for provision of fleet deck gates. Experienced firms are invited to submit a bid for consideration by the District. The Invitation to Bid documents may be obtained at the PlanetBids website, https://www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.cfm?CompanyID=22555. Firms must be registered with PlanetBids to obtain and download documents; registration is at no cost. A Mandatory Pre-Bid conference will be held at 8:00 AM on 4/29/2021 at the BESC, 501 N Dixon St., Portland, OR 97227. Bids shall be submitted electronically via PlanetBids. The Bid Form, including all required documentation, must be submitted through the website not later than 2:00:00 PM on May 13, 2021 in accordance with the PlanetBids internal timestamp. For further information contact Brandon Niles at 503-916-3031 or purchasing@pps.net. Published April 16, 2021. BT199148
ad: 199148
Publication: Construction 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/04/16
End Date: 2021/04/16
Owner: Portland Public Schools
County: Multnomah
Bid Date: 05/13/21
Bid Time: 2:00 PM