Pre-Solicitation Notice US97/US20 Bend North Corridor Design-Build Project The project will improve a section of US 97 and add essential upgrades to US 20 and local routes. The US 97 Bend North Corridor project includes a new travel corridor for US 97, improved intersections, ramps, grade-separations, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities to aid with congestion and improve safety for all modes of travel. This project will: — Realign US 97 to the east of its current location, which includes: — Northbound 3rd Street off ramp from US 97 to the existing alignment — 3rd Street through connection — Southbound ramp from Robal Road. — Grade separation of US 97 at Cooley Road — Preservation work on US 97 — Perform intersection improvements, active transportation and preservation work on US 20 which includes: — Sisters loop ramp bridge deck preservation — Preservation work on US 20 — Roundabout construction at US 20 and Cooley Road — Roundabout construction at US 20 and Robal Road — Widen and add lanes to US 20 between Robal & Cooley The estimated contract value range is between $85 and $95 million. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is scheduled for release in mid-June 2021. The Request for Proposals (RFP) is scheduled for release to the short-listed proposers in early September 2021. Contract award is expected in April 2022 with construction anticipated to begin Fall 2022 and to be completed by December 2024. Project information is available at Oregon Department of Transportation : Project-Details : Projects : State of Oregon. Questions: Contact Miranda Wells, Resident Engineer-Consultant PM, via email Published April 16, 2021. BT199223
ad: 199223
Publication: Construction 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/04/16
End Date: 2021/04/16
Owner: ODOT Procurement
County: Multnomah