Public Notice Announcing the Availability of an Environmental Assessment DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Development Brightwood Solar, LLC: Notice of Availability of an Environmental Assessment AGENCY: Rural Business Services, USDA ACTION: Notice of Availability of an Environmental Assessment SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the Rural Business Services (RBS), as required by the National Environmental Policy Act, is issuing an environmental assessment (EA) in connection with possible impacts related to a project proposed by Brightwood Solar, LLC (Brightwood), of Asheville, North Carolina. The proposal is for construction of a 10 megawatt solar power generation facility on an approximate 100-acre portion of a larger parcel in Marmot (Clackamas County), Oregon. When constructed, the solar arrays and associated components would be no more than 10 feet in height and would be surrounded by 8-foot tall, wildlife-friendly security fence. The Project Area of 100-acres will be seeded with a mixture of pollinator species and native herbaceous vegetation after construction to minimize erosion and increase pollinator habitat in the area. Brightwood has submitted an application to RBS for funding of the proposal. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mandie Cole, Business and Cooperative Programs Director (541) 378-3583 2592 NW Kline St., Roseburg, OR. 97421 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposed project infrastructure will include ground-mounted, single-axis tracking solar arrays, consisting of approximately 34,720 400-watt solar modules, four 2,750 kilowatt inverters (to allow for transmission to the utility grid), and associated racking and electrical equipment. Access to the facility will be from a new access road located directly off East Marmot Road. Portland General Electric (PGE) under a long-term fixed power purchase agreement would construct all necessary distribution system upgrades to interconnect the facility to their electrical system at a delivery point near the Project. Environmental Resources Management (ERM), an environmental consultant, prepared an environmental assessment for RBS that describes the project, assesses the proposed project’s environmental impacts, and summarizes as applicable any mitigation measures used to minimize environmental effects. RBS has conducted an independent evaluation of the environmental assessment and believes that it accurately assesses the impacts of the proposed project. No significant impacts are expected as a result of the construction of the project. Questions and comments should be sent to RBS at the address provided. RBS will accept questions and comments on the environmental assessment for 14 days from the date of publication of this notice. Any final action by RUS related to the proposed project will be subject to, and contingent upon, compliance with all relevant Federal environmental laws and regulations and completion of environmental review procedures as prescribed by 7 CFR Part 1970, Environmental Policies and Procedures. A general location map of the proposal is shown below; Published Apr. 20, 23 & 27, 2021. BT199254
ad: 199254
Publication: Miscellaneous
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/04/20
End Date: 2021/04/27
Owner: Environmental Resources Management
County: Multnomah