Notice of Public Hearing – LU 20-0032, LU 20-0045

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Lake Oswego Development Review Commission with hold an online public hearing via Zoom on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. to consider the following: LU 20-0032, a request for approval of the following Residential Infill Design (RID) variances in order to construct an addition onto an existing single-family dwelling: — Reduce the 25-foot front yard setback from Sarah Hill Lane to 10 feet; and — Allow the garage to be located closer to the street (Sarah Hill Lane) than the dwelling. This site is located at 17760 Lake Haven Drive (Tax Map/Lot 21E17BC01500). The staff coordinator is Evan Fransted, Senior Planner. LU 20-0045, a request for approval of Major Variances to the front yard, north side yard and rear yard setbacks in order to construct carports in an existing residential parking lot. This site is located at Tract A of the Lake Oswego Sailing Club PD on 3rd St. (No site Address) [Tax Map/Lot 2110AB12200]. The staff coordinator is Evan Fransted, Senior Planner. Publish April 21, 28, 2021. LOR199185

ad: 199185

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/04/21

End Date: 2021/04/28

Owner: City of Lake Oswego


County: Clackamas