Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Clear and Objective Audit of the Community Development Code & HB2306 Implementation

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Clear and Objective Audit of the Community Development Code & HB2306 Implementation Eligibility: This request is open to parties engaged in the lawful practice of their profession that satisfy the minimum qualifications set forth in this Request For Qualifications (RFQ). Minority-owned, Women-Owned, and Emerging Small Businesses are encouraged to apply for this opportunity in keeping with the City’s policy of providing opportunities to such firms. Introduction In 1913, the City of West Linn (COWL) was incorporated, encompassing West Oregon City, Bolton, Sunset and Willamette Heights. The incorporation allowed the settlements to obtain needed services, utilities, and improvements without annexing to Oregon City. After considerable debate on a name, the city founders decided to honor the pioneer town that Moore had established. COWL is located in Clackamas County, approximately 15 miles south of the City of Portland, with a population of 25,995 residents (2020). The city’s population historically grew steadily, but in recent years has leveled off with one of the lowest population growth rates in the Portland metro region. The City’s economic foundation is generally retail, commercial, and home-based business with relatively little industrial or manufacturing lands. The majority of land (approximately 90 percent) within West Linn is zoned for residential use. Project Need Recent land use applications in the city have raised concerns about the city’s compliance with ORS 197.307 which obligates the city to provide clear and objective standards, conditions, and procedures for housing. Additionally, recent actions by LCDC and the Court of Appeals in Warren v. Washington County have placed local jurisdictions on notice that implementation of these standards may need to be done more broadly to include environmental, transportation, and other code standards applicable to residential development. In addition, HB2306 was passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2019 and requires a city or county to issue residential building permits upon substantial completion of construction of public improvements in residential subdivisions. Currently, the West Linn Community Development Code does not allow issuance of building permits prior to recording of the subdivision plat. Project Overview COWL is seeking consultant services from a professional land use planning firm to perform an audit of its Community Development Code (CDC) and deliver recommendations on amendments to ensure the CDC is meeting state rules and regulations. The consultants will also be asked to identify any duplicative or conflicting areas between the CDC and the City’s Municipal Code. In this RFQ, COWL has outlined the scope of services we anticipate will lead us to code amendment recommendations; however, we are open to proposals for alternative/additional scope of services, provided a detailed explanation is given for deviations from this RFQ as written. COWL is looking forward to the professional guidance and recommendations from the organization selected to help with this process. The City expects the consultant to have experience in the preparation of long-range planning documents in a community that is subject to meeting the mandates and objectives of the Metro regional government, and the presentation of materials to the public and the City Council or Planning Commission if called upon to do so in the performance of the work. COWL has established a budget of approximately $50,000 to do this work. Scope of Services 1. Community Development Code Audit Review the existing Community Development Code and provide options and recommendations for converting environmental, transportation, and any other deficient code standards into clear and objective language, consistent with the requirements of ORS 197.307 and recent interpretations by LCDC and the Court of Appeals in Warren v. Washington County for residential land uses. 2. Municipal Code Evaluation Review the existing Municipal Code and identify areas of overlap or conflict with the Community Development Code and provide options and recommendations for actions needed to eliminate any issues. 3. HB2306 Implementation Provide options and recommendations for implementing HB2306 through text amendments to the Community Development Code. Passed in 2019, the bill requires cities to issue residential building permits upon substantial completion of construction of public improvements within residential subdivisions. 4. Recommendations Development of a recommended package of code amendments that will bring COWL into compliance with state rules and regulations related to clear and objective standards and HB2306. 5. Presentations Development of a presentation slide deck and attendance at one Planning Commission and one City Council meeting to present recommendations. Content of Proposals The proposal should include the following elements, with a concise description (no longer than 10 pages) of each: — A work plan describing methodologies, approaches, and roles and responsibilities — Detailed description of deliverables and outcomes — Timeline — Estimated costs and cost methodology — Professional training and short bios of the proposed project team members clearly outlining their roles in the proposed work — Experience completing code audits and amendment recommendations — A sample list of past and current clients — Contact information for a minimum of 3 relevant references Deadline and Timeline May 24, 2021 RFQ Released June 14, 2021 RFQ Submittals Due at 5:00pm (electronic only) June 21-25, 2021 Consultant Interviews (if needed) July 1, 2021 Consultant Selected July 19, 2021 Anticipated Start Date Completion date: This project is a priority and COWL desires this work to be done as quickly as possible. COWL hopes to have at least the code audit components complete by September 2021 and recognizes that code amendment recommendations may take more time. COWL recognizes that the current COVID-19 crisis may have implications for timelines. COWL welcomes alternative timelines for completion of work elements proposed by applicants. Proposal Evaluation & Selection Community Development Staff shall evaluate the submitted RFQs, and the city reserves the right to reject any or all of them. The city will not be liable for, nor pay any cost incurred by responding firms related to the preparation of proposals or the making of presentations. Proposals shall be evaluated based upon the following factors and a 100 point scale: — Prior relevant projects or experiences; (20) — Capability to perform the services required; (15) — Readiness, availability, and familiarity with the area; (20) — Knowledge and expertise of individuals that will work on the projects; (10) — Performance history; (10) — Approach and philosophy; (15) — References. (10) COWL Community Development Staff will perform technical evaluations, rank submittals, and make selection recommendations. COWL Staff will evaluate proposals and may ask a short list of Consultants to participate in an interview process. All Consultants submitting a proposal will be notified of COWL’s final selection decisions. Questions Please contact Associate Planner John Floyd with any questions: or 503-742-6058. Publish May 26, 2021 WLT203568

ad: 203568

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/05/26

End Date: 2021/05/26

Owner: City of West Linn


County: Clackamas