Piublic Notice- Planning Commission-Quasi- Judicial Hearing

PUBLIC NOTICE PLANNING COMMISSION QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the City of Fairview Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to review a proposed Design Review application at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. Interested persons may appear and testify on the proposal. The method of meeting will take into consideration the current COVID-19 guidance, at the discretion of the City. The meeting will be held either at Fairview City Hall, 1300 NE Village Street, Fairview, Oregon and/or via Zoom. Please see the meeting agenda for the meeting location, available one week in advance at the following webpage: https://fairvieworegon.gov/207/Planning-Commission. Application #2021-17-DR: a request to construct a food cart plaza on three vacant parcels located at the SE corner of NE 223rd and NE Halsey Street in the Town Center Commercial zone. The proposed development features a 4,000 sq. ft. fully enclosed, single-story building along Halsey Street to serve as a dining pavilion; indoor restrooms; 16 food carts with RV-style utility hookups; 60 parking spaces in a paved lot including 4 accessible spaces; and outdoor dining and gathering space. The applicant is also requesting a variance to Multnomah County Road Rules standards to allow two access points, from NE Halsey Street and NE Arata Rd., and to reduce the spacing between driveways. Multnomah County Transportation is reviewing this request in parallel with the City’s land use review. The application is subject to the Type III quasi-judicial process in accordance with Fairview Municipal Code 19.413. The application will be reviewed for consistency with the following sections of the Fairview Municipal Code: 19.65, 19.105, 19.162 through 19.165, and 19.490.400. The Planning Commission may make a final decision regarding the above application at the public hearing on July 13, 2021. If the Planning Commission renders a decision, it will be mailed to anyone who submitted written comments, provided public testimony, or who is otherwise legally entitled to notice. If you wish to appeal the request on a particular issue, that issue must be raised in writing prior to the hearing, or verbally within the public hearing. Issues must be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the decision-maker to respond to the issues. All evidence relied upon by the Planning Commission to make this decision is in the public record, available for public review. A copy of the staff report is available on the City’s website 7 days before the hearing at https://fairvieworegon.gov/207/Planning-Commission. Copies of the report and evidence can be obtained at reasonable cost from the City. To Submit Comments or Obtain More Information: If you would like information regarding the application or to submit written comments, please contact: Sarah Selden, Senior Planner, at (503) 674-6242, by e-mail at seldens@ci.fairview.or.us. Written comments regarding the application must be received by 12:00 PM on July 13, 2021 to be provided to the Planning Commission prior to the hearing. For information about attending or testifying at the public hearing, contact the City Recorder at 503-674-6224 or leymasterd@ci.fairview.or.us. Published 06/23/21 GO206737

ad: 206737

Publication: Gresham Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/06/22

End Date: 2021/06/23

Owner: City of Fairview- Economic Development Coordinator


County: Multnomah