Public Notice Announcing the Availability of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Public Notice Announcing the Availability of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Brightwood Solar, LLC: Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact AGENCY: Rural Development, USDA ACTION: Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact. SUMMARY: The Rural Development has made a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) with respect to a request for possible financing assistance to Brightwood Solar, LLC for the construction of the Brightwood Solar Project in Clackamas, Oregon. FURTHER INFORMATION: To obtain copies of the EA and FONSI, or for further information, contact: Mandie Cole, Business and Cooperative Programs Director. The EA and FONSI also available for public review. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Brightwood Solar, LLC (Applicant) proposes to construct a 10 megawatt (MW) solar facility approximately 2.5 miles east of the Town of Brightwood in Clackamas County, Oregon. The Project would use ground-mounted, single-axis tracking solar arrays, consisting of approximately 34,720 400-watt (W) solar modules, four 2,750 kilowatt (kW) inverters, and associated racking and electrical equipment. The facility would have a generating capacity of 19,778 megawatt-hours per year (MWh/year) of energy and would sell this energy to Portland General Electric (PGE) under a long-term fixed power purchase agreement. When constructed, the solar arrays and associated components would be no more than 10 feet in height and would be surrounded by 8-foot tall, wildlife-friendly security fence. A visual barrier of trees will be installed in the proximity of the western property lines, such to diminish the view of the solar facility, as if seen from the Minsinger Ranch. The 100-acre Project Area will be constructed in compliance with the Wildlife Mitigation Plan signed by Clackamas County and the Applicant. The Project Area of 100-acres will be seeded with a mixture of pollinator species and native herbaceous vegetation after construction to minimize erosion and increase pollinator habitat. Construction will take approximately six months to complete. Alternatives considered by RD and Brightwood Solar, LLC include: No action; and the Preferred Alternative. The alternatives are discussed in the EA. The RD has reviewed and approved the EA for the proposed project. A local newspaper advertisement announcing the availability of the EA, was published on 4/20/2021 and 4/27/2021 by Pamplin Media Group, Multnomah County, Oregon. The 14-day comment period ended on May 10th, 2021. RD received no comments. Based on its EA, commitments made by Brightwood Solar, LLC and public comments received, RD has concluded that the project would have no significant impact (or no impacts) to land use, floodplains, wetlands, cultural resources, biological resources, coastal resources, air quality, social and environmental justice, noise, traffic, and aesthetics. A summary of anticipated impacts on the human environment is provided below, including any mitigation measures deemed necessary to avoid or minimize impacts. Brightwood Solar, LLC is responsible for implementing these measures. No other potential significant impacts resulting from the proposed project have been identified. Therefore, RD has determined that this FONSI fulfills its obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR 1500-1508), and USDA Rural Development’s Environmental Policies and Procedures (7 CFR Part 1970) for its action related to the project. RD is satisfied that the environmental impacts of the proposed project have been adequately addressed. RD’s federal action would not result in significant impacts to the quality of the human environment, and as such it will not prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for its action related to the proposed project. Dated: June 22, 2021 BT207228

ad: 207228

Publication: Miscellaneous

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/06/29

End Date: 2021/06/29

Owner: Environmental Resources Management


County: Multnomah