Notice of Council meeting to consider increasing water and sewer rates for the City of St Paul, Oregon

Notice of Council meeting to consider increasing water and sewer rates for the City of St Paul, Oregon The City Council of the City of St Paul, Oregon will meet July 14, 2021 at 5:30 pm at 20239 Main St, St Paul. During this Council meeting, the resolution below will be discussed. This resolution will increase water and sewer rates for the City. Comments from the public may be received up to 24 hours before the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting each person attending will have 5 minutes to make comments on the proposed water and sewer rates. City Council of the City of St Paul, Oregon Resolution No. 2021-10 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCE RATE SCHEDULE Whereas, section 3.106.02 of Ordinance No. 1994-163 (Rates, Rules and Regulations for the Operation of the Sewer and Water Departments) (Ordinance) adopted September 18, 1994 establishes that Water rates shall be set by the St. Paul City Council

ad: 207397

Publication: Hearing/Meetings 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/06/30

End Date: 2021/06/30

Owner: City of St. Paul

City: ST. PAUL

County: Marion