Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 6 p.m.

Public Notice Oak Lodge Water Services The Oak Lodge Water Services Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 6 p.m. To promote physical separation, the Board President has directed that until further notice, public attendance at Board meetings will be telephonic only. Members of the public who wish to attend the meeting and have unlimited long-distance calling should dial (253) 215-8782 at the designated time and enter the access code 846 5111 1968. A toll-free number is also available using the same access code and dialing (888) 788-0099. Please note that members of the public will be muted until the public comment portion of the agenda. Members of the public who wish to submit a written comment may visit: The agenda for the meeting will include oaths of office for newly elected Directors; a monthly update from the Oak Lodge Governance Project; a presentation from the Backyard Habitat Certification Program; consideration of the March 17, 2020 Declaration of State of Emergency; a Consent Agenda containing a financial report update, meeting minutes, a resolution for inclusion under the Oregon Deferred Compensation Plan, the Sewer Pump Station Pre-Design, and a software license agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute; Business from the Board; and Department Reports. For meeting materials please visit the District website or contact the District Recorder at (503) 353-4227 or by email at Publish July 14, 2021 CLK208844

ad: 208844

Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/07/14

End Date: 2021/07/15

Owner: Oak Lodge Water Services District


County: Clackamas