NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice of a self-storage sale: Money Saver Mini Storage 19215 NE Halsey St, Portland, OR 97230 is hereby given notice that the personal property belonging to the following individuals, which are in default, will be sold via online auction to the highest bidder on Friday 07-30-2021 @ 11am Manel Delacruz Jr B136 , Regina Haynes B077, Steven Bernard B069, John Campbell B046, Cindy Lee Donohoo E028, Frank Golding C186, Michelle Hendrickson E041, Bria Holub J025, Holly Hryciw C090, Tiffany Johnson B072, Nicole Linscott I008, George Lord C165, Lorenzos Marr I026, Lorenzos Marr I029, Katherine Martin B002, Cheryl Mcalavy F052, Kenneth Mecham IV B063, Wayne Moore A026, Anthony Olson H001, Kendrick Riddle E052, Nicholas Stevenson H029, Marissa Taylor C076, Darrel Weatheral L016. Published 07/14/21 and 07/21/21 GO208960
ad: 208960
Publication: Gresham Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/07/13
End Date: 2021/07/21
Owner: Money Saver Mini Storage- Halsey St.
County: Multnomah