CITY OF GLADSTONE Shall the City of Gladstone adopt a new home rule charter?

CITY OF GLADSTONE A notice is hereby given that on November 2, 2021, an Election will be conducted by mail in the County of Clackamas County, Oregon, at which time will be submitted to qualified voters of the City of Gladstone the following question: CAPTION: City of Gladstone Home Rule Charter QUESTION: Shall the City of Gladstone adopt a new home rule charter? SUMMARY: This measure would adopt a new home rule charter for Gladstone. The Oregon Constitution gives city voters the right to adopt charters. Charters grant legal authority to cities and assign duties to city officials. Gladstone voters adopted the current Charter in 1984. This proposed charter is based on the League of Oregon Cities Model Charter and the work of the City’s 2016 Charter Review Commission. It contains charter provisions unique and important to Gladstone. The proposed charter retains the current form of government with a Mayor and six councilors to govern the city, all of whom will continue to serve four year terms. Councilors will also continue to be elected by position. The proposed charter also retains the City Administrator position to run the administrative affairs of the City and includes recently enacted Charter amendments that require voter approval for: (2) parks changes; (2) incurring debt to finance public improvements; and (3) the construction of certain public buildings. The proposed Charter is more concise, gender neutral and consistent with state law. This ballot title was received by the City Recorder of the City of Gladstone on Wednesday, July 14, 2021. An elector may file a petition for review of this ballot title with the Circuit Court of Clackamas County no later than 5:00 p.m. on July 23, 2021. Any elector who files a petition to review the ballot title must notify the City Recorder in writing that the petition has been filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on the next business day following the day the petition is filed. Publish July 21, 2021 CLK209544

ad: 209544

Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/07/21

End Date: 2021/07/22

Owner: City of Gladstone


County: Clackamas