NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BALLOT TITLE Amends Charter; protects natural areas; allows access to nature.

NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF BALLOT TITLE A ballot title prepared by the City Attorney was filed with the Lake Oswego Elections Officer on August 4, 2021. The prospective initiative petition complies with constitutional requirements. Any registered voter may file a petition for review of the ballot title with the Clackamas County Circuit Court no later than August 13, 2021 (the 7th business day after the ballot title was filed with the City Elections Officer) under ORS 250.296. The voter must notify the City Elections Officer (City Recorder) in writing that the petition for review has been filed. That notice must be given by no later than 5:00 p.m. on the next business day following the day the petition for review is filed with the Circuit Court. The ballot title is: CAPTION: Amends Charter; protects natural areas; allows access to nature. QUESTION: Shall the City of Lake Oswego amend its Charter to protect natural areas, habitat, water quality, and access to nature? SUMMARY: This measure would revise Chapter X of the Lake Oswego Charter and rename it Preservation of Natural Areas. This section of the City’s Charter would ensure that Springbrook Park; Cooks Butte Park; Woodmont Nature Park; Hallinan Woods; Stevens Meadow; Bryant Woods; Canal Acres; Cornell Natural Area; Glenmorrie Greenway; Kerr Open Space; Lamont Springs; River Run I and II; Southshore; Kelly Creek; Pennington Park; Sunny Slope; and the natural areas of West Waluga, East Waluga, George Rogers, Iron Mountain and Freepons Parks are managed to protect water quality, wildlife habitat, wildfire prevention and containment, aesthetic values, and ecological function and to allow trails accessible to people with different physical abilities and needs. Athletic Facilities, new public roads, and telecommunications facilities are prohibited in Natural Areas. Restoration, stewardship, trails, and maintenance and renovation of existing facilities and structures are allowed. Other activities are only allowed after public involvement and adoption of a Master Plan. This section would replace the existing Chapter X – Park Development Limitations

ad: 211707

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/08/11

End Date: 2021/08/11

Owner: City of Lake Oswego


County: Clackamas