CITY OF WEST LINN NOTICE OF UPCOMING CITY COUNCIL HEARING FILE NO. AP-21-02 The West Linn City Council will hold a hybrid public hearing on Monday, October 4, 2021, starting at 6:00 pm to consider an appeal of the conditional use approval (CUP) for a new middle school at 840 and 945 Dollar Street: CUP-21-02/DR-21-04/WRG-21-02/MISC-21-04/VAR-21-01/VAR21-06/LLA-21-02. The City Council will review the Planning Commission’s decision based on the criteria in Chapter 99.325 of the Community Development Code. This review will examine if the applicant has demonstrated conformance with applicable Community Development Code provisions based on the approval of CUP-21-02/DR-21-04/WRG-21-02/MISC-21-04/VAR-21-01/VAR 21-06/LLA-21-02. The appeal is a de novo hearing and not limited to the stated grounds for the appeal. All relevant issues may be considered. All evidence presented to the lower approval authority shall be considered and given equal weight as evidence presented on appeal. The criteria applicable to the CUP approval, approved by the Planning Commission and under review by City Council are in Chapters 11, 28, 32, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 52, 54, 55, 60, 75, 92, 96, and 99 of the Community Development Code (CDC). The approval authority may affirm, reverse, or modify the August 18, 2021 decision. All relevant materials in the above-noted file are available on the City website, dollar-street-conditional-use-class-2-design-review- willamette-river-greenway-flood, or for inspection at no cost at City Hall. Alternatively, copies may be obtained for a minimal charge per page. Anyone wishing to present written testimony for consideration on this matter may submit their concerns before 12:00 pm on October 4, 2021 to or mail to City Hall. The City cannot accept emailed testimony after 12:00 pm on October 4, 2021. The City Council will also accept written testimony in person at the public hearing. The City Council meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format with some Councilors, staff, presenters, and members of the public attending remotely via Webex and others attending in-person at City Hall. Those who wish to participate remotely should complete the speaker form before 12:00 pm on the meeting day to receive an invitation to join the meeting. Virtual participants can log in through a computer, mobile device, or call-in. The City Council will receive a staff presentation at the hybrid meeting, take testimony from the appellant and the applicant, and invite both virtual and in-person oral testimony from the public. Previously submitted written testimony is included as part of the record. The City Council may continue the public hearing to another meeting to obtain additional information, leave the record open, or close the public hearing and take action on the review as provided by CDC 99.290. Failure to raise an issue during the hearing or in writing before the close of the hearing, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. Contact Chris Myers, Associate Planner, City Hall, 22500 Salamo Rd., West Linn, OR 97068, 503-742-6062 for additional information. Publish September 22, 2021 WLT215980
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Publication: OPC Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/09/22
End Date: 2021/09/22
Owner: City of West Linn
County: Clackamas