Pursuant to Section 50.40.4 of the Beaverton Development Code, public notice of the following development application is being provided: YMCA BEAVERTON CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER (DI2021-0002 / DR2021-0080) The applicant, YMCA of Columbia-Willamette, has applied for a Director’s Interpretation of Section of the Beaverton Development Code (BDC) in writing. BDC Section requires all business, service, repair, processing, storage or merchandise display to be conducted wholly within an enclosed building unless screened by a sight-obscuring fence or wall, excluding outdoor seating and vehicle camping. The applicant requests a Director’s Interpretation to clarify if BDC Section applies to an outdoor play area. The applicant has also applied for a Design Review Compliance Letter (DRCL) to construct a new outdoor play area, for modifications to the building faade and design, and for minor changes to the parking lot that do not result in an increase to paved area on site. The site is located at 9785 SW Harvest Court, specifically identified as Tax Lot 00200 on Washington County Tax Assessor’s Map 1S114CD. The site is zoned Office Industrial (OI) and is within the boundaries of the Denney Whitford / Raleigh West NAC. Any decision on the above development proposal shall be based on the approval criteria contained in the following section of the Beaverton Development Code: Section Director’s Interpretation and Section Design Review Compliance Letter. NOTE: The City of Beaverton has declared a State of Emergency due to COVID-19 and the Community Development Division is closed to the public until further notice. The Community Development Department is evaluating temporary changes to processes and procedures to respond appropriately to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, and is committed to ensuring that the land use review process continues to fulfill the requirements of state and local law while protecting the health and wellbeing of the community. During this State of Emergency, staff strongly encourages you to submit any testimony comments or questions via email to the Project Planner. Written comments on the above development proposal may also be mailed to the Current Planning Division, at PO Box 4755, Beaverton, Oregon 97076. Written comments, either emailed or mailed, on the above development proposal shall be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Please reference the Case File Number and Project Name in your written comments and include your mailing address if you wish to receive a copy of the decision. Failure to raise an issue or failure to provide statements or evidence with sufficient specificity to afford the decision-making authority an opportunity to respond to such issue, may preclude appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. No Facilities Review is required for a Director’s Interpretation or Design Review Compliance Letter. The Director is the decision-making authority for the above application and shall issue a written decision on the above development proposal on or around November 10, 2021, pursuant to Section 50.40.10. Copies of the decision will be made available on the City’s website www.beavertonoregon.gov/DevelopmentProjects or may be provided by the Project Planner upon request. For more information contact the Project Planners Lauren Russell at 503-526-3718 or lrussell@beavertonoregon.gov or Lina Smith at 503-526-2652 or lsmith@beavertonoregon.gov. Accessibility information: This information can be made available in large print or audio tape upon request. Assistive listening devices, sign language interpreters, or qualified bilingual interpreters can be made available at any public meeting or program with 72 hours advance notice. To request these services, contact Lauren Russell at 711 503-526-3718 or lrussell@beavertonoregon.gov or Lina Smith at 711 503-526-2652 or lsmith@beavertonoregon.gov. Dated this October 6, 2021 Jana Fox, Current Planning Manager, City of Beaverton Publish October 7, 2021 TT217887

ad: 217887

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/10/06

End Date: 2021/10/07

Owner: City of Beaverton


County: Washington