Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, On November 4th, 2021, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Public Services Building, in Room 409 located at 2051 Kaen Road Oregon City, Oregon, the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with ORS 271.330(6), will hear objections to the sale and transfer of Clackamas County property to the City of West Linn allowing the city to meet their comprehensive plans and goals of developing transportation facilities that are accessible to all members of the community. Thus, allowing the city to install an ADA compliant sidewalk ramp. Tax Lot 21E14CA 01600, parcel no. 05025396, is defined as, Part of Lots 25 and 26, Block 1, COLLEGE HILL ESTATES ANNEX NO. 1, in the City of West Linn, Clackamas County, Oregon described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Lot 27, Block 1, COLLEGE HILL ESTATES ANNEX NO. 1; thence Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of Hill Side Drive, also being along a curve to the left with a radius of 572.94 feet through a central angle of 11deg. 27′ 12 an arc distance of 114.53 feet (lon chord bears South 36deg. 41′ 23 East 114.34 feet); thence continuing along Hill Side Drive South 42deg. 25′ 00 East 52.13 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 2deg. 34′ 26 West 28.29 feet; thence North 47deg. 33′ 44 East 20.00 feet to the Southeasterly line of Hill Side Drive; thence North 42deg. 25′ 00 West along said Southeasterly line 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Published Oct. 19 & 26, 2021. BT219650

ad: 219650

Publication: Hearing/Meetings

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2021/10/19

End Date: 2021/10/26

Owner: Clackamas County


County: Clackamas