HEARING NOTICE The Dundee Planning Commission will hold a legislative public hearing on December 15, 2021 at 7 p.m. at the Dundee Fire Station Community Meeting Room, 801 Highway 99W, Dundee, and via Zoom, to evaluate the following proposal: A City of Dundee initiated Comprehensive Plan Map and Zone Map amendment to apply the Public Comprehensive Plan Map designation and the Public Zone to 5 city owned properties totaling 2.27 acres, The properties are now designated Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Map and 4 of the properties are in the R-1 Zone and 1 property is in the R-2 Zone. The applicable criteria are in the Dundee Development Code 17.405.030, A & B. File: CPM/ZC 2021-20. The properties are: (1) 1205 SW Upland Dr. Water reservoir, 0.43 acres. (2) 200 Block 1st St. Water system facility, 0.06 acres. (3) 620 SW 5th, City Hall, 0.65 acres. (4) 221 SW 1st. Water system facility, 0.22 acres. (5) 1440 SW Alder, Water system facility, 0.91 acres. For Zoom attendance information see the City’s website at https://www.dundeecity.org/pcmeetings or call City Hall at 503-538-3922. A copy of the City’s documents and evidence and the applicable criteria and standards are available for review at the Dundee City Hall, 620 SW 5th Street, Dundee, OR 97115. Copies shall be provided at a reasonable cost. The staff report regarding this project will be available one week before the hearing and posted on the city website at https://www.dundeecity.org/pcmeetings. If you have questions, please call the Dundee City Hall at 503-538-3922. All interested persons may appear and provide testimony. Any written testimony must be submitted to the Dundee City Hall office by noon on December 6, 2021 to be included in the Commission’s packet. Written testimony received after this time will be provided to the Commission as it is received. After the public hearing closes, the Commission will pass a motion with its recommendation to the City Council to approve or deny the changes. Only those persons who participate either orally or in writing in the hearing proceedings leading to the adoption of the action may appeal the decision. Publish December 1, 2021 NG224190
ad: 224190
Publication: Newberg Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2021/12/01
End Date: 2021/12/01
Owner: City of Dundee
County: Yamhill