METRO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For the purpose of taking comments on the draft findings for an exemption from competitive bidding requirement for Construction Management by General Contractor (CM/GC) Metro has scheduled a public hearing and meeting of the Metro Contract Review Board as part of the regularly scheduled Metro Council Meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 10:30 am. This meeting will be held virtually. You can listen in to the meeting from a computer or device at, or by calling one of the following numbers: +1 929 205 6099 or 888 475 4499 (Toll Free). The Webinar ID is 615 079 992. The public hearing is for the purpose of receiving public comment from interested parties on the draft findings for an exemption to the competitive bidding requirement for the Blue Lake Park Fishing Pier Demolition (the Project). In accordance with the draft findings, Metro’s Procurement Services has recommended that the Metro Contract Review board exempt the Project from the requirements of competitive bidding under ORS Chapter 279C and Metro Contract Review Board Administrative Rules Sections 49-600-670 and utilize an alternative competitive solicitation method. At the hearing, after an opportunity for receipt of public comment, the Metro Contract Review Board will consider adoption of the draft findings and approval by resolution of the utilization of a Request for Proposals process to solicit a Construction Manager/General Contractor for the Project. The Project consists of removing the existing fishing pier at Blue Lake Park located in Fairview, OR. The pier is in poor condition and closed to the public. The construction budget is estimated to be $650,000. Copies of the draft findings for an exemption from the competitive bidding requirement are available online at Metro’s website, click on Doing Business With
ad: 227748
Publication: Construction 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2022/01/04
End Date: 2022/01/04
Owner: Metro
County: Multnomah
Bid Date: 01/23/22
Bid Time: 10:30 AM