PUBLIC NOTICE Annexation application #2022-01-ANNEX & Annexation application #2022-02-ANNEX.

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Estacada Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 27th, 2022, beginning at 7:00 pm in the Estacada City Council Chambers, Estacada, Oregon, to consider the following applications Annexation application #2022-01-ANNEX. The applicant, Cedar Ridge Homes c/o Scott Clayton, is requesting annexation of 12.88 acres described as 34E, 16, tax lot 1302; The subject property is zoned Clackamas County Farm Forest 5-acre, and is designated in the Estacada Comprehensive Plan Map to be zoned A-P (Airport) upon annexation. A zoning designation change to R-1 Low Density Residential is being requested with this application. This application is subject to the criteria in Sections 16.101 and 16.124 of the Estacada Municipal Code and applicable policies in the Estacada Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the Estacada City Council, who will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 14th, 2022. Annexation application #2022-02-ANNEX. The applicant, Olena Wright, is requesting annexation of 5.89 acres described as 34E, 21, tax lot 1100; The subject property is zoned Clackamas County Farm Forest 5-acre, and is designated in the Estacada Comprehensive Plan Map to be zoned R-1 Low Density Residential upon annexation. No zoning designation change is requested with this application. This application is subject to the criteria in Section 16.124 of the Estacada Municipal Code and applicable policies in the Estacada Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the Estacada City Council, who will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 14th, 2022. Anyone wishing to present written testimony on this proposed action may do so in writing prior to or at the Public Hearing. Testimony and evidence must be directed toward the applicable approval criteria or other criteria, which a person believes to apply to the decision. Failure to raise an issue in a hearing, in person, or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal of the Commission’s decision based upon that issue. A copy of the application and applicable criteria is available for inspection at no cost at City Hall. Copies of the document will be provided at reasonable cost. A copy of the City’s staff report will be available for inspection at no cost at least seven days prior to the Public Hearing. Information regarding the application may be obtained from the City Planner, Taylor Campi, at (503) 630-8270 x211 or The City of Estacada is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Published 01/07/22 EN226765

ad: 226765

Publication: Gresham Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/01/04

End Date: 2022/01/06

Owner: City of Estacada-City Recorder


County: Clackamas