NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Notice of a self-storage sale: Money Saver Mini Storage 19215 NE Halsey St, Portland, OR 97230 is hereby given notice that the personal property belonging to the following individuals, which are in default, will be sold via online auction @ to the highest bidder on Friday 1-28-2022 @ 11am Dajen Green B039, Marisca Cervantez J015, Taylor Collins Paul Harnsberger , Shannon Retaskit B040, Robert Simpson H015, Tristan Williams B032, Randy Beal C123, David Blanchard C019, Loreli Ellett B092, Floyd Falconer K002, Tommy Holtcamp B084, Tommy Holtcamp G018, Michael Macera B109, Muruno K029, Ginger Orr B015, Thomas Pena C174, Kendrick Riddle E052, Steven Schatz C092, Wilhelmina Vanroyen B081, Angela Barton L025, Steven Bernard B069, Defloyd Booker B097, Felicia Devault M014, Augustine Fagalchugrad C155, Erich Gaedeke I021, Meseret Gebrehiywot E026, Frank Golding C186, Marcias Gonzalez C178. Carrie Gunn B131, Megan Hanner E030, Kevin Hartung C120, Kevin Hartung F013, Amanda Hill B150, Joseph Hinkle B098, Tommy Holtcamp F033, Brandy Howe D012, Cherl Kimbrel F010, Demarkus Lawrence B102, George Lord C165, Serena Mandzij B099, Jennifer Mckinley L006, Nancy Meng L037, Brandis Motley I027, Kimberly Obrien F029, Laura Peterson M024, Daniel Price C022, Raeleen Rambeau M011, Wendy Sadler B016, John Schilthuis C158, John Schilthuis C181, Pamela Smith C151, Pamela Smith G025, David Somner G009, Laurie Stonecypher B008, Daniel Talbott C104, Valerie Toone I057, Sonya Tucker I048, Cedric Wilson I015, Emily Krohn F014 Published 01/12/22 and 01/19/22 GO228234
ad: 228234
Publication: Gresham Legals 2
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2022/01/11
End Date: 2022/01/19
Owner: Money Saver Mini Storage- Halsey St.
County: Multnomah