EUGENE WATER & ELECTRIC BOARD (EWEB) WATER SCADA REPLACEMENT PROJECT Proposals due: March 3, 2022 @ 2:00 pm REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP #22-015-PSC The Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) requests proposals from an integrator experienced in Water SCADA system implementation interested in providing engineering consulting and integration services, to plan, design, test, execute, and document the Water SCADA Upgrade Project. EWEB has adopted Inductive Automation’s Ignition product as our new standard SCADA, Historian, and Reporting platform. This project will take a SCADA pilot project, a Historian & Reporting pilot project, both implemented at our Water Treatment Plant (WTP), and build out a comprehensive system which will encompass the entire WTP, as well as our Pumping, Storage and Distribution System. The Ignition system will replace the legacy SCADA system used to control our Municipal Drinking Water control system for over 30 years. Proposals shall be submitted to Wendy Lopez, Contract Specialist, Purchasing Office, Roosevelt Operations Center, 4200 Roosevelt Blvd, Eugene, OR 97402, before 2:00 PM PT on Thursday, March 3, 2022. Proposals will not be accepted after this hour and date. RFP documents may be obtained from the State of Oregon’s bid site (Oregon Buys): https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/ (For navigation help, please call 1-855-800-5046.) * EWEB Systems and Information NDA (Attachment D) must be downloaded, filled and submitted to the Contract Specialist to obtain Exhibits listed in the Table of Contents. Please submit form via email to: wendy.lopez@eweb.org. A voluntary pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 a.m., on February 8, 2022, via Microsoft Teams. Please RSVP no later than 2:00 PM PT on February 7, 2022, to Wendy Lopez at wendy.lopez@eweb.org to receive an Outlook invitation. Proposers are strongly encouraged to attend, but proposals will be accepted from proposers who do not attend. It is strongly recommended that proposers obtain and review Exhibits prior to pre-proposal conference. All proposals shall be submitted as set forth in Section 1 – Instructions to Proposers. EWEB is not responsible for proposals submitted in any manner, format or to any delivery point other than as required by the Solicitation Document. No proposal may be withdrawn after the hour set for the opening thereof until the elapse of thirty (30) days from the date and time set for opening. EWEB reserves the right to waive any or all informalities and irregularities; may cancel the Request for Proposals; and may reject any or all proposals pursuant to EWEB Rule 3-0640. Dated this 1st day of February, 2022. Wendy Lopez Contract Specialist Published February 1, 2022. BT231004

ad: 231004

Publication: Construction 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/02/01

End Date: 2022/02/01

Owner: Eugene Water & Electric Board


County: Multnomah

Bid Date: 03/03/22

Bid Time: 2:00 PM