Conditional Use Review Record number 217-21-001013-PLNG

Conditional Use Review Record number 217-21-001013-PLNG Notice is hereby given that the Crook County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 to consider the following: Adam Conway of DOWL Engineering, agent for FNF NV Brasada, LLC, filed for the 15th Phase of subdivision development within the Brasada Ranch destination resort. The hearing is being held pursuant to Crook County Code; Title 17 Subdivisions, Chapter 17.12 General Requirements and Subdivision Review Committee, Chapter 17.16 Tentative Plans, Chapter 17.20 Final Plat, Chapter 17.36 Design Standards, Chapter 17.40 Improvements, Chapter 17.60 Fees; Title 18 Zoning, Chapter 18.116 Destination Resort Overlay. The properties are identified as Township 16 South, Range 14 East, WM, Section 26, tax lots 2805 & 2806. The property is zoned Exclusive Farm Use Zone, EFU-3 (Powell Butte Area). There is currently no situs address. Written testimony or comments may be submitted to the Crook County Community Development Department by email at, and may also be submitted in person or by mail to 300 NE 3rd St, Room 12, Prineville, OR 97754. Written testimony received by February 25, 2022, at 4:00 pm, will be considered by staff prior to the issuance of the staff report and recommendation on this application. However, written testimony will continue to be accepted until the record closes, which may occur as soon as the conclusion of the public hearing. Failure to raise an issue in the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. The application, copies of submitted materials, and testimony are available by calling the planning department at 541-447-3211 or emailing us at Documents are also available on the planning commission’s website at no cost: Hard copies may be provided as well in accordance with the planning departments fee schedule. A copy of the staff report will be also be available at the above link 7 days prior to the hearing at no cost, with hard copies available as well in accordance with the planning departments fee schedule. In order to promote community wellness, Crook County will allow the public to participate using a WebEx conference call. People may listen to deliberations and may participate by calling the following number: 1-408-418-9388 Meeting number (access code): 2550 028 3851 Attendee ID: press # Password: Hy4GQ5G8mJZ Members of the public are encouraged to use this call-in number. Those who are unable to call in may visit the conference room at 320 NE Court Street, Prineville. Recordings of the meeting and minutes will be available within three business days by contacting the planning department. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 541-447-3211. Published: February 15, 2022 PCO232731

ad: 232731

Publication: Prineville Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/02/15

End Date: 2022/02/15

Owner: Crook County Community Development


County: Crook