NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS FOREST GROVE PLANNING COMMISSION FOREST GROVE CITY COUNCIL FILE NUMBER 311-22-000003-PLNG FOREST GROVE DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Forest Grove Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, and the Forest Grove City Council will hold public hearings on April 11, 2022, and April 25, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. or thereafter, at the Community Auditorium, 1915 Main Street and via Zoom video conferencing, to consider Development Code Amendments necessary to comply with Oregon House Bill 2001 (2019), also known as the missing middle housing law, and Senate Bill 458 (2021) pertaining to middle housing land divisions. The proposed Development Code amendments affect the following Code sections: o 17.1.225 (Application Contents): Revise wording to remove non-clear and objective wording for a required development transportation study and to describe the methodology. o 17.2.310 (Design Review Applicability): Revise wording consistent with HB 2001 that approval processes for middle housing must be the same as for single unit detached homes. o 17.2.430 (Site Development Review): Clarify that the site development review process for a single unit detached dwelling also applies to middle housing consistent with HB 2001. o 17.3.010 (Classification of Zones): Consolidate the R-10, R-7, and R-5, single-unit housing zoning districts into one district Residential Low (RL). o 17.3.100 (Residential Zones): Revise to reflect consolidation of zoning districts. o 17.3.120, Table 3-2 (Residential Zones Use Table): Revise table to reflect zoning district consolidation and add middle housing types. Specify that multifamily is five or more units instead of three or more as currently defined). Remove restriction on the number of duplexes within a subdivision consistent with HB 2001. o 17.3.130, Table 3-5 (Lot Dimensional Requirements): Reduce minimum required lot size for single-unit detached homes, add minimum required lot sizes for duplexes, townhouses, triplexes, quadplexes, and cottage clusters, specify minimum lot width and depth requirements. o 17.3.130 (Residential Zone Development Standards): Add wording for floor area ratio and add floor area ratio standards. Add minimum density requirements and delete maximum density requirements. o 17.3.130, Table 3-6 (Lot Dimensional Requirements – (Residential Medium (RM) and Residential High (RH) Zone): Add minimum lot size and minimum lot dimensional requirements for the medium and high density residential zones. o 17.3.320, Table 3-10 (Commercial and Mixed Use Zone Use Table): Revise table to include middle housing types as permitted uses in the Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU) zone. o 17.6.300 (Article 6 – Land Divisions): Add wording for SB 458, Middle Housing Land Divisions. o 17.7.050 (Exceptions to Lot Size, Yards, and Projections): Add wording to prohibit encroachment of projections into or over utility easements. o 17.8.130 (Widths and Locations of Driveway and Curb Cuts): Add Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development Model Code wording for middle housing driveway approaches. o 17.8.710 (Building Design and Development Standards): Revised to include middle housing types and add DLCD Model Code wording. o 17.8.515 (Off-street Parking Requirements, Table 8-4 (Parking Requirements): Add wording for minimum required off-street parking for middle housing types and add wording to allow up to 50% credit for on-street parking to satisfy required parking requirements. o 17.8.520 (Reduction or Modification of Off-street Parking Requirement): Revised wording to make multifamily development near frequent transit service eligible for a 10% reduction in the off-street parking requirement. Current the reduction is only allowed for commercial and industrial uses. o 17.8.905 (Land Division Standards): Revise wording to remove non-clear and objective wording. o 17.12.210 (Meaning of Specific Words and Terms): Revise the definitions section to add middle housing terms from the HB 2001 administrative rules and Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development Model Code. The Planning Commission and City Council will consider this proposal and base their decisions on the following laws and policies. Comments in response to this proposal must address the applicable laws and policies: — Oregon House Bill 2001 (2019) — Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 660, Division 46 (Middle Housing in Medium and Large Cities) — Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 10 (Housing) — Senate Bill 458 (2021) All persons will be given reasonable opportunity to give testimony about this proposal responding to the review criteria above. If an issue is not raised in the hearing (by person or by letter) or if the issue is not explained in sufficient detail to allow the Planning Commission or City Council to respond to the issue, then that issue cannot be used for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. If additional documents or evidence are provided in support of the application, any party shall be entitled to a continuance of the hearing. Unless there is a continuance, if a participant so requests before the conclusion of the initial evidentiary hearing, the record shall remain open for at least seven days after the hearing. Additional information regarding this proposal is available for viewing at or the Forest Grove Community Development Department office at 1924 Council Street. A copy of the staff report will be available seven days prior to the hearing and is published on the City’s website at For further information pertaining to this proposal, please contact Senior Planner Dan Riordan,, (503) 992-3226, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The hearings will be held in a hybrid format allowing the public to attend the meetings virtual via Zoom and in-person. The Community Auditorium, 1915 Main Street, is open and has limited availability and social distancing measures. A copy of the meeting agendas with Zoom instructions and staff reports are available and published on the City’s website at To provide testimony via Zoom, please email at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Written comments or testimony be submitted at the hearings or sent prior to the hearings to the attention of the City Recorder’s Office, P.O. Box 326, 1924 Council Street, 2nd Floor, Forest Grove, OR 97116, For assistance, please call the City Recorder’s Office at 503.992.3235. Anna D. Ruggles, CMC, City Recorder City of Forest Grove Publish March 10, 2022 NT235118

ad: 235118

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/03/09

End Date: 2022/03/10

Owner: City of Forest Grove


County: Washington