CITY OF HILLSBORO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGs CASE FILE NOS. HCP-002-22 & CDCA-001-22 Housing Hillsboro NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Planning Commission through a Zoom virtual meeting at or shortly after 6:00 pm, on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting are listed below. At this meeting, the Planning Commission will consider proposed amendments to the Hillsboro Comprehensive Plan (HCP) and the Community Development Code (CDC). The Planning Commission will forward its recommendations to the City Council in two Orders. The City Council will then consider adopting decisions on the proposed amendments in two Ordinances. Summary: Housing Hillsboro is about more than just compliance with State of Oregon statute; it is about the opportunity to remove barriers and achieve City Council goals and Comprehensive Plan policies to encourage the development of diverse, affordable, and accessible housing units. The City is proposing text amendments to the HCP, Ordinance No. 6249 (Case File No.: HCP-002-22), and CDC, Ordinance No. 6094 (Case File No.: CDCA-001-22), to implement changes in State of Oregon law adopted through a variety of bills passed by the Oregon Legislature. A list of the State of Oregon law changes, along with brief descriptions of each of the bills, is below. The amendments apply to most of the zones in the City; however, the amendment that may affect the permissible use of property is related to the flexibility on permissible housing types through the Planned Unit Development (PUD) process currently allowed in various zones. The specific sections of the HCP and CDC that are being impacted by these amendments are listed below. Affected Land Use Planning Documents HCP Amendments Section 2 Design & Development Section 4 Housing Section 21 Land Use Planning & Procedures Section 24 Station Community Planning Areas Section 27 Witch Hazel Village Community Plan Section 31 South Hillsboro Community Plan Section 35 Glossary CDC Amendments Section 12.01 General Provisions Section 12.10 Use Categories Section 12.21 Single Family Residential Zones Section 12.22 Multi-Family Residential Zones Section 12.23 Commercial Zones Section 12.24 Mixed-Use and Urban Center Zones Section 12.25 Industrial Zones Section 12.26 Institutional and Open Space Zones Section 12.30 Non-Conforming Situations Section 12.40 Special Use Standards Section 12.50 Development & Design Standards Section 12.61 – 12.67 Plan Districts Section 12.70 Procedures Section 12.80 Applications The State of Oregon law changes included in the Housing Hillsboro amendments are: –Senate Bill 458: Requires cities in Oregon to allow certain middle housing land divisions. –Senate Bill 1051: Expanded the requirement for clear and objective development standards in ORS 197.307(4) to all housing inside an urban growth boundary. –Senate Bill 8: Requires cities in Oregon to allow certain affordable housing projects in any zone except heavy industrial zones without requiring a zone change or conditional use permit if certain criteria and standards are met. –House Bill 2001: Requires cities to allow a duplex on each lot and allow triplexes, quadplexes, cottage clusters, and townhouses in all residential zones that allow single detached dwellings. –House Bill 2008: Requires cities to approve the development of certain affordable housing projects by nonprofit corporations organized as religious corporations. –House Bill 3261: Allows the conversion of motels and hotels to emergency shelters without conditions except those ensuring building codes and occupancy limits are met; or conversion to affordable housing subject to only reasonable regulations on siting and design. –House Bill 2583: Prohibits cities from establishing an occupancy limit for any residential unit based on the familial or nonfamilial relationships among occupants. The HCP and CDC amendments serve five primary purposes: 1.Middle Housing: To allow (1) duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses, and cottage clusters in all zones that allow development of single detached dwellings by July 1, 2022, (2) regulation of middle housing through reasonable local regulations related to siting and design

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Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/03/23

End Date: 2022/03/31

Owner: City of Hillsboro- Planning Dept.


County: Washington