NOTICE OF CITY MEASURE ELECTION CITY OF HILLSBORO Pursuant to Chapter 1.12.180 of the Hillsboro Municipal Code, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, a measure election will be held in the City of Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. The City General Election will be held concurrently with the Primary State and County Election. The following shall be the ballot title for the measure to be submitted to the City’s voters on this date: Measure No. 34-311 CAPTION RENEWAL OF CURRENT OPERATING LEVY FOR POLICE, FIRE AND PARKS. QUESTION Shall Hillsboro renew the operating levy of $1.72 per $1,000 for police, fire and parks for five years beginning 2023-24? This measure renews current local option taxes. SUMMARY This measure would renew the current police, fire, and parks operating levy approved by voters in 2017, which expires in June 2023. Renewing the levy would pay for continuing current services for police, fire and emergency medical response, and parks maintenance. The majority of the levy would go to the Hillsboro Police and Fire & Rescue depart – ments, and the remainder to parks maintenance services. The City Council placed this measure on the ballot to main- tain existing services and programs for police, fire, and parks maintenance, such as: Police would maintain: — Patrol officers and neighborhood patrols — Detectives for investigations, including internet crime, fraud, and elder abuse — Community policing programs — Homelessness engagement and mental health response — Child abuse and domestic violence intervention — Youth services and school resource officers Fire & Rescue would maintain: — Current response times for emergency calls — Emergency response and rescue capabilities for wildfire incidents — Fire prevention, fire investigation, public education, and safety programs — Disaster preparedness programs Parks would maintain: — Recreation facilities, parks, playgrounds, ball fields, wetlands, natural areas, and future developable parkland Estimated revenues for each year of levy: $26,990,140 in 2023-24 $28,069,746 in 2024-25 $29,192,536 in 2025-26 $30,360,237 in 2026-27 $31,574,647 in 2027-28 /S/ Amber Ames, City Recorder Publish April 28, May 5 & 12, 2022 HT235310

ad: 235310

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/04/27

End Date: 2022/05/12

Owner: City of Hillsboro


County: Washington