NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City of Happy Valley Hearings Officer Notice is hereby given that the City of Happy Valley Hearings Officer will hold a hybrid in-person/virtual public hearing via ZOOM on the following date and time regarding the below matter: Date & Time: Hearings Officer-June 14, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. Hearing Location: City Hall, 16000 SE Misty Dr. Happy Val- ley, OR 97086 File & Subject: CUPA-01-22:Conditional Use Permit Amendment Proposal: The applicant proposed a for additional ac- tivities to the CUP-01-16 Firewood Sales and Log Processing. Location: The subject site is located at 8560 SE 172nd Avenue (also described as Clackamas Coun- ty Assessor Map Number: 13E30A: Tax Lots, 1400 and 1500. Applicant: Wilbur Akins, 8590 SE 172nd Avenue Hap- py Valley, OR 97089 Applicable Criteria: Applicable criteria in the City of Happy Valley Municipal Code Title 16 – Land De- velopment Code (LDC), including Chapte- rs 16.25 (Industrial Districts); 16.41 (Acc- ess and Circulation); 16.42 (Landscaping, Street Trees, Fences and Walls, Recreation Areas); 16.43 (Parking and Loading); 16.50 (Public Facilities); 16.61 (Types of Review Procedures); 16.64 (Conditional Use Perm- its) and 16.66 (Modifications to Approved Plans and Conditions of Approval). Staff Contact: Chris Alfino, AICP, Senior Planner, (503) 886-8410, HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Interested parties are invited to attend the hybrid in-person/virtual public hearing or to submit comments in writing prior to the meeting time. Written testimony may be submitted in advance or during the hearing. Those wishing to present verbal testimony, either pro, con, or to raise questions, will be asked to speak after presentation of the reports. The application materials may be viewed a CUP-amendment. The agenda for the hearing and link to the Virtual Hearing will be posted at at no cost and may be provided on request at a reasonable cost. Testimony should pertain to the applicable criteria. The decisions by the Hearings Officer will be made in accordance with said criteria and may be appealed to the City of Happy Valley City Council. All written comments must be received by the City of Happy Valley Planning Division by 5 p.m. two weeks before the above scheduled hearing to be analyzed in the staff recommendation. The staff recommendation will include an analysis of how the proposal does or does not comply with the applicable approval criteria. Written comments received after that date will be provided to the Hearings Officer if received prior to 5 p.m. of the day of the Hearing or submitted at the Hearing. Failure to raise an issue in writing prior to the close of the written comment period, or failure to provide sufficient specificity at the virtual public hearing to afford the decision-making body an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based upon that issue. The applicant and any person who submits written comments shall receive notice of the decision. The failure of the applicant to raise constitutional or other issues relating to proposed conditions of approval without sufficient specificity to allow the decision-making body to respond to the issue precludes an action for damages in circuit court. The decision-making criteria, application, and records concerning this matter are available at the City of Happy Valley City Hall at the above address during working hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays), please call for an appointment. For additional information, contact Chris Alfino, AICP, Senior Planner, at the above address and phone number. The hybrid in-person/virtual public meeting is accessible to handicapped individuals. Assistance with communications (visual, hearing) must be requested 72 hours in advance by contacting Kara Kerpan, City Recorder, at 503-783-3836. Publish June 1, 2022 CLK244137

ad: 244137

Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/06/01

End Date: 2022/06/02

Owner: City of Happy Valley


County: Clackamas