NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY The City of Lake Oswego has received annexation petitions for the following properties, which are located within the Urban Service Boundary of the City of Lake Oswego: 13570 and 13580 Goodall Road (21E04BC00200, 21E04BC00300) 6058 Seville Avenue (21E07CC06700) 16085 Inverurie Road (21E07CA00700, 21E07CA01000, 21E07CA01001) The Lake Oswego City Council will hold quasi-judicial public hearings on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, at 3:00 pm in the City Hall Council Chamber, Third Floor, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR, 97034, to consider these annexation petitions and proposed ordinances, including the zoning designation for these parcels. Annexations are adopted by Ordinance. The titles of the Ordinances are: Ordinance 2898 An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego two parcels, consisting of 5.01 acres at 13570 and 13580 Goodall Road; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning of R-15, Resource Protection (RP) and Habitat Benefit Area (HBA) pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 22-0006). Ordinance 2906 An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego one parcel, consisting of 0.52 acres at 6058 Seville Avenue; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 22-0009). Ordinance 2907 An ordinance annexing to the City of Lake Oswego three parcels, consisting of 1.30 acres at 16085 Inverurie Road (21E07CA00700, 21E07CA01000 and 21E07CA01001) and the public right-of-way; declaring City of Lake Oswego zoning pursuant to LOC; and removing the territory from certain districts (AN 22-0010). In accordance with LOC, the following City zoning designations shall be applied to the subject properties on the effective date of annexation. Permitted and conditional uses in this zone can be found in LOC 50.03.002. AN 22-0006: 13570 and 13580 Goodall Road – R-15, Resource Protection (RP) AN 22-0009: 6058 Seville Avenue – R-7.5 AN 22-0010: 16085 Inverurie Road – R-7.5 How to Testify: Those interested in providing written testimony are encouraged to submit their comments prior to the hearing preferably by email or mail. Contact information is provided below. Inquiries regarding the proposal may be directed to Paul Espe, Associate Planner, at (503) 697-6577. For details on speaking at the meeting via Zoom or if you need additional information about the hearing, please email by 12:00 noon the day of the meeting. Please note the following: ORAL ELECTRONIC TESTIMONY BY ZOOM: Prior to 12:00 noon on meeting day notify the City Recorder at: to receive a Zoom link and Zoom phone numbers by 12:00 p.m. Provide name, contact information, and whether you support, oppose or are neither for nor against the application. You must timely connect and testify when called. If you are not able to electronically testify for any reason, e.g., inadequate or faulty internet connectivity, computer equipment, or operation thereof by yourself, internet service providers, virtual meeting platform software+ , or other third parties involved in transmission and receipt of your oral testimony, you are deemed to have waived your oral testimony. You are strongly urged to also submit written testimony to assure appearance in the proceeding, receipt of testimony, and appeal right. YOU ACCEPT RISK AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE INABILTY TO RECEIVE YOUR ORAL TESTIMONY BY ELECTRONIC MEANS AT THE APPROPRIATE POINT IN THE ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS: Prior to 12:00 noon on meeting day, electronically submit written materials by emailing to: If no confirmation email received, call: (503)-534-4225. Kari Linder, City Recorder City of Lake Oswego 380 A Avenue, Third Floor PO Box 369 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Phone: (503) 534-4225 Email: The hearing will include an opportunity for persons to testify in favor, in opposition, and neither for nor against, and petitioner’s rebuttal. Individuals are allowed up to 5 minutes, and any person attending the hearing may cede their time to another individual; however, in no case will any individual have more than 10 minutes to testify. Recognized neighborhood associations, governments and government agencies, and other incorporated public interest organizations have up to 10 minutes to testify. See LOC and Note: Failure to raise an issue in the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the City Council an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. Copies of the petition, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant, applicable criteria, map and proposed ordinances are available for inspection at no cost. The staff reports will be available for review 15 days before the hearing on the annexation webpages: and-13580-goodall-road seville-avenue inverurie-road Publish September 21, 28, 2022 LOR256642

ad: 256642

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/09/21

End Date: 2022/09/28

Owner: City of Lake Oswego


County: Clackamas