Notice for Amendment

Clackamas County intends to amend its 2017-2021 Consolidated Plan in the following manner: All comments are welcomed and encouraged on the following proposed changes to the County the Community Development Program Action Plan for program years 2020 and 2021. Notice of Substantial Amendment to the Program Year 2020-2021 (2020 Action Plan) (2020/0017) HOME Tenant Base Rental Assistance (HOME TBRA): The Program was to assist homeless households or at risk of becoming homeless with rent, utility costs, security deposits, and/or utility deposits. This project is cancelled. The Project budget of $100,000 will be re-programmed for other HOME eligible projects. No other projects will be impacted by this change. Notice of Substantial Amendment to the Program Year 2021-2022 (2021 Action Plan) (2021/0006) HOME Tenant Base Rental Assistance (HOME TBRA): The Program was to assist homeless households or at risk of becoming homeless with rent, utility costs, security deposits, and/or utility deposits. This project is cancelled. The Project budget of $200,000 will be re-programmed for other HOME eligible projects. No other projects will be impacted by this change. This amendment was posted to the CD Website on Thursday September 22, 2022. For more information, or to submit comments on the proposed amendments, contact Mark Sirois at the Clackamas County Community Development Division, Public Services Building, 2051 Kaen Road – Suite 245, Oregon City, Oregon, 97045, (503) 655-8359 or Comments will be accepted until 2:00 PM on Monday October 31, 2022. Publish Sept 28, 2022 CLK/LOR258450

ad: 258450

Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/09/28

End Date: 2022/09/29

Owner: Clackamas County Comm. Development


County: Clackamas