Public Hearing 10.25

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the City of Cornelius Planning Commission on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm in-person at 1355 N. Barlow St. in the Cornelius Council Chambers and online via the Zoom meeting platform at Participants may also join by phone by calling+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) and using meeting ID 886 5702 3542. Request: A Type III Site Design Review (DR-118-22) for a new 154,643 sf industrial warehouse; a Type II ‘One-Lot’ Preliminary Land Partition (LP-02-22) to legally combine two tax lots into one new lot and a Type III Conditional Use/Planned Unit Development (CUP/PUD-03-22) to address the Natural Resource Overlay (NRO) standards for Tax Lot #400 and a request to exceed the zone maximum of a 35-foot height limit by 10-feet. The site is within the General Industrial, M-1 zoning district. The project includes frontage improvements along N 4th Avenue and N Holladay Street, as well as on-site parking and landscaping. Applicant: AltaBird Investments, LLC Property Owners: Davis Family Trust & RCI Properties Hillsboro LLC. Location: Property located at the northeast corner of N 4th Avenue and N Holladay Street. Map: Map 1N333CA, Tax Lots #100 & #400; Map 1N333DB, Tax Lot#700 Zone: General Industrial, (M-1), Tax Lot #400 includes a Natural Resource Overlay, (NRO). Applicable Criteria: CMC Title 17 Subdivisions: Chapter 17.05 Land Divisions, CMC Title 18 Zoning: Chapter 18.055 General Industrial (M-1), Chapter 18.95 Natural Resource Overlay (NRO), Chapter 18.100 Site Design Review, Chapter 18.105 Conditional Use Permit, Chapter 18.110 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Conditional Use, Chapter 18.145 Off-Street Parking and Loading, Chapter 18.143 Transportation Facilities, and Chapter 18.155 Solar Access for New Development. At the time and place listed above, all persons will be given a reasonable opportunity to give testimony either for or against the proposal. Testimony may be either in oral or written form and must be relevant to the criteria listed above on which the proposal will be evaluated. At the public hearing, the Chair will open the public hearing, a staff report will be presented, the applicant may provide additional information on their proposal, interested persons will be allowed to speak for or against the proposal or to ask questions, Planning Commission members will ask any general questions, and the public hearing will be closed. In order for an issue to be considered for appeal to the City Council, it must be raised before the close of the record of the public hearing before the Planning Commission. Such issues must be raised with sufficient specificity so as to afford the hearing body and the parties an adequate opportunity to respond to each issue. A copy of the application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant and applicable criteria are available for review at the Community Development Department, 1300 S. Kodiak Circle during regular business hours. A Staff Report will be available at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled public hearing. Copies may also be purchased at a reasonable cost of 25 cents per page. If you have questions regarding the application or would like to submit written comments you may contact Barbara Fryer, Community Development Director at (503) 357-3011 or Publish Sept 29, 2022 FGNT258702

ad: 258702

Publication: OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/09/28

End Date: 2022/09/29

Owner: City of Cornelius


County: Washington