Annual Notice 2022-23

9/17/22 ANNUAL NOTICE TO PARENTS REGARDING CHILD IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION, SCREENING & EVALUATION OF STUDENTS IN THE OREGON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT UNDER THE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT ACT (IDEA 2004) LOCAL RESPONSIBILITY This notice is to inform parents of the local responsibilities of Oregon City School District for child identification, location, and evaluation activities to be conducted throughout the school year, in collaboration with other public agencies and community resources. Oregon City School District must locate and identify children with established or suspected disability conditions, regardless of the severity of the disabilities. Child identification efforts include individuals with disabilities, aged birth through 21 years, not enrolled in school, as well as those who attend public and private schools, Head Start, State institutions, other child care or treatment facilities. The requirements for child find also apply to all children who are suspected of being a child with a disability and in need of special education and related services, even though they are advancing from grade to grade. Highly mobile children with disabilities, such as migrant and homeless children, must be included in child find activities. Oregon City School District conducts child identification, location, and evaluation activities by providing public awareness, information dissemination through cooperative efforts with local, regional, and statewide public and private entities, including coordination with the Clackamas Educational Service District Early Childhood Special Education program under Part C of the IDEA for children who will be transitioning by their 5th birthday. , , – (IDEA 2004). . – , , . . – . 21 , , , , — , . , , , , . -, , . — (IDEA), , 5 , . – , . , . NOTICIA ANUAL A LOS PADRES CON RESPECTO A LA IDENTIFICACIN, LOCALIZACIN, CHILD IDENTIFICATION, LOCATION, PROYCCIN Y EVALUACIN DE ESTUDIANTES DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE OREGON CITY BAJO EL ACTO MEJORAMIENTO DE EDUCACIN DE INDIVIDUOS DISCAPACITADOS (IDEA 2004) RESPONSABILIDAD LOCAL Esta noticia es para informar a los padres de las responsabilidades locales del Distrito Escolar de Oregon City de la identificacin, localizacin, y actividades de evaluacin de nios que se llevan a cabo a lo largo del ao escolar, en colaboracin con otras agencias pblicas y recursos comunitarias. El Distrito Escolar de Oregon City debe localizar e identificar nios con condiciones de discapacidad conocidas o sospechadas, a pesar de la gravedad de la discapacidad. Los esfuerzos de identificacin de nios incluye individuos con discapacidades, desde nacimiento hasta 21 aos de edad, los que no estn matriculados en la escuela, tanto como los que asisten a las escuelas pblicas y privadas, el Head Start, las instituciones del estado, otras facilidades de tratamiento o cuidado de nios. Los requisitos de localizacin de nios tambien aplican a todos los nios de quien se sospecha ser un nio con una discapacidad y que necesita educacin especial y servicios relacionadas, aunque se avanzan de grado a grado. Los nios muy mviles con discapacidades, por ejemplo nios migrantes y nios sin hogar, deben ser incluidos en las actividades de localizacin. El Distrito Escolar de Oregon City lleva a cabo actividades de la identificacin, localizacin, y evaluacin de nios por proveer conciencia pblica, diseminacin de informacin por medio de los esfuerzos cooperativos con entidades locales, regionales, estatales, pblicas y privadas, incluso la coordinacin con el programa Educacin Especial de la Primera Infancia de los Servicios Educativos del Distrito Clackamas bajo Parte C del IDEA para nios que harn la transicin para su quinto cumpleaos. Publish October 5, 2022 CLK250991

ad: 250991

Publication: CLK OPC Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2022/10/05

End Date: 2022/10/06

Owner: Oregon City School Dist


County: Clackamas