ESTACADA SCHOOL DISTRICT 108 ACCESS ROAD Proposals due: October 17, 2022 @ 4:00 pm REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP 2022-6) The Estacada School District is soliciting proposals to establish a contract through fair and competitive negotiations for installing a gravel access road. The Estacada School District will be constructing an access road located at the North end of the District property line, hereinafter referred to North Complex. The access road will improve the District safety measures by providing adequate access to the North Complex for educational and co-curricular purposes, and community use. The North Complex project is a part of an intergovernmental partnership between the Estacada School District and the City of Estacada, to restore approximately twenty (20) acres of land, for District and community use. A copy of the request for proposal document (RFP) may be picked up by the following methods: — By calling 503-630-6871 x 2902 — By emailing and referencing RFP #2022-6 The District reserves the right to (1) reject any RFP response not in compliance with applicable laws, (2) to add to the price of nonresident respondent an increase equal to the percent preference that the nonresident respondent’s home state would give it’s in-state respondents and (3) to reject for good cause any or all offers that the District determines, at its sole discretion, are not in its best interest. DATED: October 4, 2022 Christina Irish Director of Finance Estacada School District 108 Proposals must be received no later than Monday, October 17, 2022 @ 4:00pm All proposals that are not time-stamped by the deadline will be considered late and will be returned to the proposer unopened. Published in Business Tribune Oct. 4, 2022 and Estacada News Oct. 6, 2022. EN260120
ad: 260120
Publication: Invitations To Bid
Section: Legals
Start Date: 2022/10/04
End Date: 2022/10/06
Owner: Estacada School District
County: Clackamas
Bid Date: 10/17/22
Bid Time: 4:00 PM