PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF MADRAS Budget Committee Invitation

CITY OF MADRAS PUBLIC NOTICE Budget Committee Invitation This is your Chance to get involved in your City: The City of Madras is seeking people interested in the Budget Committee for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The Committee reviews the proposed budget. The Committee also makes recommendations to the City Council on the annual capital and operating budget, the Financial Management Goals and Policies, and on specific issues as directed by the Council. Budget Committee may also meet to discuss updates to long-range financial plans and policies. The Committee meets in the months of April-June and makes a recommendation on the budget to the City Council for final enactment. If you are interested in being a part of the City of Madras Budget Committee or if you have any questions or need more information on the Budget Committee work, please contact the Finance staff by email, or by phone at 541-475-2344. Applications due February 10, 2023. We look forward to serving with you. Publish: February 1, 8, 2023 MP272343

ad: 272343

Publication: Madras Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2023/02/01

End Date: 2023/02/08

Owner: City of Madras


County: Jefferson