Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of Public Hearing Annexation: 8708 Parr Road NE (Tax Lot 052W130001001) ANX 22-03 On March 27, 2023 at 7:00 p.m., the Woodburn City Council will hold a public hearing to hear annexation into city limits of 37.75 acres of territory (8708 Parr Road NE, Tax Lot 052W130001001) along the south side of Parr Road NE and east of Parr Road NE as it turns south, along with adjacent road right-of-way, and subdivision and development into the Brighton Pointe subdivision of 219 houses on 219 lots with several common area tracts. Development would include an internal street network and an off-street path for cyclists and pedestrians. The subdivision is proposed to be built in two phases. The Council will meet in-person in the City Hall Council Chambers at 270 Montgomery Street, Woodburn, Oregon, and there will be a remote/virtual option to attend as well. Individuals wishing to remotely/virtually participate in this public hearing will find the access hyperlink via or . To be seen and heard and/or submit written testimony in advance of the hearing, contact the Planning Division at (503) 982-5246 or . Any interested party may testify at the hearing(s) or submit written testimony on the proposal at or before the hearing(s). The City may accommodate Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access upon timely request. A summary of ANX 22-03 will be available seven (7) days in advance of the Council hearing date for viewing at the Community Development Department within City Hall at 270 Montgomery Street. Copies may be purchased at cost. The meeting agenda and packet also will be online via the City calendar at and the Meetings webpage at . Upon closure of the public hearing, the Council will deliberate and decide upon the proposal. For additional information concerning ANX 22-03 itself, visit the City project webpage via and contact Dan Handel, Planner at (503) 980-2431 or . Published March 15 & 22, 2023 WI276742

ad: 276742

Publication: Hearing/Meetings 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2023/03/15

End Date: 2023/03/22

Owner: City of Woodburn


County: Marion