PUBLIC NOTICE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the City of Fairview Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to review the following land use application at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Fairview City Hall, located at 1300 NE Village Street, Fairview, Oregon. Interested persons are invited to appear and testify on the proposals. Information on testifying remotely and viewing the meeting live on YouTube will be available on the meeting agenda and City calendar. See: Application 2022-78-DR: Requesting Design Review approval to rehabilitate the existing 8,455 square foot Curry Building and adjacent maintenance and storage yard utilized for internal and external storage of trucks and maintenance equipment. Curry Building yard work includes security improvements such as perimeter fencing and gates. Curry Building internal work includes seismic improvements. Metro also intends toThe application also includes construction of a new smaller (<5,000 sq. ft.) building to support parks' operations and administrative staff, along with parking area improvements. The application will be reviewed for consistency with the following sections of the Fairview Municipal Code: --FMC 19.400 Administration of Land Use and Development Review --FMC 19.412 Description of Permit Procedures --FMC 19.413 Procedures (Type III) --FMC 19.424 Site Design Review - Application Review Procedure --FMC 19.425 Site Design Review - Application Submission Requirements --FMC 19.426 Site Design Review - Approval Criteria --FMC 19.30 Residential District --FMC 19.108 Community Service / Parks Overlay --FMC 19.162 Access and Circulation --FMC 19.163 Landscaping, Street Trees, Fences and Walls --FMC 19.164 Vehicle and Bicycle Parking --FMC 19.165 Public Facilities Standards The application is subject to the Type III review process in accordance with Fairview Municipal Code 19.415, which follows a quasi-judicial process. A decision on the above application may be made at the public hearing on April 11, 2023. When rendered, the decision will be mailed to the applicant and to anyone else who submitted written comments or who is otherwise legally entitled to notice. If you wish to appeal the request on a particular issue, that issue must be raised in writing prior to the hearing, or verbally within the public hearing. Issues must be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the decision-maker to respond to the issues. All evidence relied upon by the Planning Commission to make this decision is in the public record, available for public review. A copy of the staff report will be available seven days before the hearing. Copies of this evidence and the staff report can be obtained at a reasonable cost from the City. To Submit Comments or Obtain More Information: Written comments regarding the request must be submitted to the City of Fairview Planning Division at Fairview City Hall, located at 1300 NE Village Street in Fairview, Oregon, by 12:00 PM April 11, 2023. If you would like information regarding the request, please call Sarah Selden, Planning Manager, at (503) 674-6242 or e-mail at Published 03/22/23 GO281752

ad: 281752

Publication: Gresham Legals 2

Section: Legals

Start Date: 2023/03/21

End Date: 2023/03/22

Owner: City of Fairview Public Works Dept.


County: Multnomah